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not familiar with相关的网络例句

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与 not familiar with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, the Puritan elders, in their black cloaks, starched bands, and steeple-crowned hats, smiled not unbenignantly at the clamour and rude deportment of these jolly seafaring men; and it excited neither surprise nor anim-adversion, when so reputable a citizen as old Roger Chillingworth, the physician, was seen to enter the market-place, in close and familiar talk with the commander of the questionable vessel.


Thus, the Puritan elders, in their black cloaks, starched bands, and steeple-crowned hats, smiled not unbenignantly at the clamour and rude deportment of these jolly seafaring men; and it excited neither surprise nor anim-adversion, when so reputable a citizen as old Roger Chillingworth, the physician, was seen to enter the market-place, in close and familiar talk with the commander of the questionable vessel.


Thus, the Puritan elders, in their black cloaks, starched bands, and steeple-crowned hats, smiled not unbenignantly at the clamour and rude deportment of these jolly seafaring men; and it excited neither surprise nor anim-adversion, when so reputable a citizen as old Roger Chillingworth, the physician, was seen to enter the market-place, in close and familiar talk with the commander of the questionable vessel.


Thus, the Puritan elders, in their black cloaks, starched bands, steeple-crowned hats, smiled not unbenignantly at the clamour rude deportment of these jolly seafaring men; it excited neither surprise nor anim-adversion, when so reputable a citizen as old Roger Chillingworth, the physician, was seen to enter the market-place, in close familiar talk with the commander of the questionable vessel.

因此 www.8 t tt8。 com ,那些穿着黑色礼服、挺着浆过的环状皱领、戴着尖顶高帽的清教徒长者们,对于这帮快活的水手们的大声喧哗和粗野举动,反倒报以不无慈爱的微笑;而当人们看到老罗杰·齐灵渥斯这样一个德高望重的居民和医生走进市场、同那艘形迹可疑的船只曲船长亲密面随便地交谈的时候,既没有引起惊讶之感,也没有议论纷纷。

The name of Huang Shan and fortune index is more Chinese company place understanding, familiar, this not only erect of capable Yu Huangshan and his group success ground the bridge between a Chinese enterprise and an international capital market, in the eye of a lot of China entrepreneur, huang Shan more resemble missionary of a capital, he passes millions the report of all sorts of the composing of the word, circumstances, let stand fast to become rich with one's shoulder to collar the power that the Chinese bosses of the concept comprehend capital, begin to appear in the key point that yields Chinese entrepreneur brand-new internationalization eye shot.


The elevator was not large, and the air inside it was close. There was a lingering humidity and also a lingering scent. I sniffed a familiar ambiguity: the fresh greenness of ferns with the earthier undertones of civet. Constance's scent, the one she invariably used. As memorable as her eyes or her voice. I felt a rush of the past to the head.


Shu Yong, an artist having engaged in contemporary art circles for years but not made a living by art, is always associated with unexpected hypes and familiar neglect of his own job in people's mind.


When Commonness Encounters Avant-garde Li Daoliu Shu Yong, an artist having engaged in contemporary art circles for years but not made a living by art, is always associated with unexpected hypes and familiar neglect of his own job in people's mind.


However as my Jealousy encreased, and held me some Weeks, I was a little more circumspect, and not so familiar and kind to him as before; in which I was certainly in the Wrong too, the honest grateful Creature having no thought about it, but what consisted with the best Principles, both as a religious Christian, and as a grateful Friend, as appeared afterwards to my full Satisfaction.


It is a gift that many Christian readers tend to associate with that familiar but rather amorphous group of English Christian writers, the Inklings - though the association is not quite proper, since only one of the Inklings, J.

众多信基督教的读者很容易与英国那些熟悉而多变的信教作家团体联合,像The Inklings(译者:这是一个附属于哈佛的文学讨论组织,参与者都是文学巨匠)——虽然说联合不是很恰当,因为仅仅是The Inklings中的一个人,J。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
