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not enough to相关的网络例句

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与 not enough to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of course, all this is not enough to understand, the reasons for their lack of experience, but I do not know all the deification of the outside world than we heard a big seen too much.


It is not enough to give health care to the sick, or jobs to the jobless, or education to our children.


Weaknesses: Defensively Tucker could stand to improve on his intensity … Doesn't seem to possess great anticipation skills nor the awareness to play the passing lanes … Ball handling, while improved, still isn't great … Perimeter shooting remains prone to streakiness … Not a great shooter coming off screens … Solid three point shooter when his feet are set but struggles to hit with regularity due in part to his slow release … Despite being a great athlete, Tucker rarely explodes off the dribble due to his average first step … Doesn't always use the mid-range jumper to his advantage, often he'll slash to the basket or shoot the three … From a position standpoint there is concern about what position he will play in the NBA … While blessed with athleticism, he may struggle to shoot consistently enough to play shooting guard and his height might be a detriment at small forward … While his game has progressed considerably over the past 5 years, one has to wonder how much more he can improve … Below average free throw shooting limits his ability to take full advantage of the contact he creates … BY Matthew Maurer

弱点:Tucker应坚持提高他在防守中的紧张程度。没有让大家看到令人期待的技能。边缘的投射仍然有些忧虑,犹豫。持球能力在提高,但仍然不是很好。。。三秒区也没意识到传球。在脱离掩护后不是名很好的射手。定点时稳定的3分射手。但他仍尽力使自己的得分更加稳定,有规律。很大程度是因为他的慢热。而且作为优秀的运动员,Tucker很少突然运球加速,因为他启动速度不是很快。。。他不总用他中距离跳投的优势,他经常slash to the basket或投射3分。。。他现在很担心忧虑自己将会在NBA中担任什么位置。。。当他有幸得到良好的运动热情,他可能去担当得分后卫而且他的身高不利于打SF。当他过去5年已经有了相当大的进步,人们都对他还有多大的提高空间感到疑问。他低于平均水准的罚球能力限制了他利用身体优势造对手犯规然后得分这种战术的实施。

Womanhood is not a sufficient condition for princesshood; it is not enough to establish princesshood.


From the the law-and-regulation system, the legal position and function of the tendering agency, the market admittance condition, the agent business status, the team scale and distribution, systematically and objectively dissertated the basic development situation of tendering agency for construction projects in our country. Cleared up the main problem existed in this industry by analyzing and neatening. The three outside organization problems is that, the industry management system does not obey, the law and regulations is not enough to perfect and the tenderee has wrong understanding and behavior. The five inside organization problems is that, the agency is short of independence, employee quality is uneven, the quality of agent job is dissatisfied and the internal construction of enterprise lags.


Amperes; if that's not enough to put the speaker drivers into the right position, they're not going to get there.


The degree of turning the design into a piece of mold is not high and the speed design study is not enough to make using of FPGA to carry on correcting on the thesises that were announced publicly. After thorough study, a soft pit microprocessor named NIOSⅡ is used to resolve the problem of the mold design. And the speed design is studied thoroughly on the thesis.


Well,not really;a tedious volume full of useful information may have its merits,but not enough to make me champion it as one of the five best books of the year.


At present the major problem with the application of ductile iron crankshaft s is that their fatigue strength is not enough to meet requirements raised due to the everincreasing of the explosion pressure of engines, as well as the quality of ductile iron castings is not stable.


Charles gradings are威斯诺overall liquor market reforms began, with the intensity distribution of the strengthening and assessing the implementation level, not enough to level dealers will be eliminated, not the regional level and there is no need to input the region, the company will choose to give up temporarily.


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It's Not Enough To Believe

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
