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与 not aged 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, a practical seismic analysis method is presented. Through a reasonable assumed distribution of lateral forces, the capacity curve can be derived from the story shear-displacement curves. And by using equations suggested by ATC-40, the corresponding capacity spectrum, period, damping ratio and PGA can also be obtained. This method can provide not only collapse PGA of a low-rise RC building structure, but also damage conditions of members at a specific PGA. Combining with the deterioration rule for RC column after multiple earthquakes, it can also be applied to seismic analysis for after-earthquake or aged buildings.


The Shanghai Bund's night scene is beautiful is unable the shape We just went out the school gate, the day have come on under rain I simply had not thought that middle-aged woman is this family renowned hotel master Considered she has only studied a year English, her English said quite well zhejv 这句不行 The more and more many developing nation people receive AIDS the threat, therefore must take the measure to prevent its dissemination


The number of couples who live together, but are not married, will almost double to 3.8 million. Most are likely to be aged over 45. The number of divorcees will represent about 10 per cent of the adult population for the first time.


Results Clinical characteristics of hypoglycemia complication in aged 2 diabetes is not typical and durations of hypoglycemia were long.

摘要] 目的加强对老年2型糖尿病的低血糖反应特点的认识及预防措施的探讨。

Do not let your baby sleep on a sheepskin, or use duvets, pillows, cot bumpers or quilts for infants aged under one year, as these increase the risk of cot death.


Nabokov in this novel depicts a sensual crossflow humbert, the key is to conceal his own desires and, what is more, he put this desire on a fancy-free girl of 12, as a middle-aged man, he is undoubtedly a frosty reception, xx, is not... How much criticism.

纳博科夫在这本小说里描绘了一个肉欲横流的亨伯特,关键是他毫不掩饰自己的欲念,而且,更甚的是他把这种欲念寄托在一个天真无邪的还未成年的十二岁少女身上,作为一个中年人的他,无疑成了众矢之的,可以说是 xx,可以说是大逆不道……怎么样批评都不为过。

But this charity did not, like the Christian form, extend to the prolonged nursing of unfortunates stricken with contagious and incurable diseases, to the protection of foundlings, to the bringing up of orphans, to the rescue of fallen women, to the care of the aged and insane.


Irritated, Middle-aged Man: How about the fruit knife I prepared in order to cut the fruits? It's not allowed, right?


The middle-aged couple, who were not identified, only discovered their error when they asked staff in the local tourist office Saturday how to drive to the island's famous "Blue Grotto."

这对姓名未知的中年夫妇仅仅当周六询问当地旅游局如何开车去这个岛屿著名的&Blue Grotto&时才发现地这个错误。

Now mid-aged Americans may not keep in touch with old people until they are old themselves.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
