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与 noncommutative 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At present, our main result in this direction is that we have proved the topological charge of instantons in degenerate noncommutative spacetime to be an integer, i.e., to be exactly its instanton number, using ADHM construction; by the way, we have discussed the realization of conformal symmetry of the ordinaty instanton solutions on the instanton moduli space and obtained some primary result, again using ADHM construction.


This is based on the definition of tensor product over R〓= R〓 R〓, where R is a noncommutative ring.


In this paper the transfer function of noulinear control system is defined over a noncommutative polynomial ring, which can be extended into its quotient ring by Ore Theorem.


Then in terms of dual operators, an approach to reduce nonlinear and noncommutative operator systems to a single equation is given.

其次, 利用对偶算子给出了将非线性非交换算子方程组化为单个方程求解的算法。

The study of operator algebra bagan in 30times of 20th century. Though compary with some other theory it is relatively new, but it has unexpected application in some mathematic theory and other subject, such as quantum mechanics, noncommutative geometry, linear system, contral theory, number theory and some other important branches of mathematics.


The study of operator algebra theory began in 30s of the 20th century: With thefast development of the theory, now it has become a hot branch playing the role ofan initiator in modern mathematics. It has unexpected relations and inter infiltrationswith quantum mechanics, noncommutative geometry, linear system and control theory,number theory as well as some other important branches of mathematics.


We showed that in noncommutative case, orthonormal base vectors can be chosen to be unitary operators of any fix order.


It is difficult for us to study the quantum physical systems on the noncommutative phase space.


In the frame of deformation quantization, one deals with functions on the phase space, and the star product deforms the commutative classical algebra of observables into the noncommutative quantum algebra of observables.


In this paper, we research the noncommutative quantum mechanics by deformation quantization.


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Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
