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与 non-corroding 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inspired by non-dual Buddhist and other eastern wisdom traditions, it uses meditative and cognitive processes to control anxiety, deconstruct reified symbols and encourage contemplative resting in non-dual mental space, where reality and its appearance are coemergent and coalesced but distinct , and healing occurs naturally without the need for any specific additional effort.


In this paper, the author, after putting forward three reason that non-state staff could not be an accomplice in the crime of taking bribe and repudiating its theoretical basis, affirms definitely that non-state worker can be an accomplice of this crime.


Based on a comprehensive study of drilling and log data, sequences of short-term base-level cycle of turbidite fan in Yanchang Formation of Triassic in Longdong area are divided into three basic structure types: up - deepening non - symmetry, up -shallowing non ?symmetry and symmetry ones according to recognition sign of the interface of the short - term base - level cycle.


Only non-oriented objects of the topological model will be composed of sets of simplexes [13], because oriented objects refer to non-oriented ones Fig.


Where an employer entity skimps or defaults without justified reasons the wage of any non-full-time employee, that employer entity shall, apart from paying in full amount the wage to the non-full-time employee, pay extra economic compensation equal to 25% of the wage.


For visualizing non-uniform absorbing, emitting, non-scattering, axisymmetric sooting flame s, a new emission CT method is used to estimate temperatures and soot volume fractions simultaneously in a candle flame and a kerosene flame from the monochromatic radiation intensity images captured by a flame image detector.


In the fMRI data analysis, the comparison of non-social related actions, translocating Tetris blocks versus rotating Tetris blocks, there is more obvious brain activation in fusiform gyrus no matter in competitive or non-competitive trial. And the comparison of social related actions, scoring /punished lines versus scoring 1 line, we found some regions such as right inferior parietal lobe and superior temporal gyrus more obvious in the interaction condition as the previous paper which might be related to competition.

在功能性的磁振造影资料分析里,非社会有关的行为如位移和旋转俄罗斯方块的比较,无论竞争或非竞争状况下,旋转俄罗斯方块在fusiform gyrus均有较明显活化;社会有关的行为如得多分或被罚扣分与只得一分比较,我们找到一些区域如右后顶叶及上颞叶在相互作用状态过程中较为显著,如同之前研究论文中提及这些区域可能与竞争性有关系。

This paper put forward and studied the technique of magnetic levitation based impacting and upending which can impact efficiently with the advantages of non-touch,non-concussion,high-reliability and low-cost.


The man who breeds pigs is, according to this school, a productive member of the community, but he who educates men is a mere non-productive. The maker of bagpipes or jews-harps for sale is a productive, while the great composers and virtuosos are non-productive simply because that which they play cannot be brought into the market.


In order to attract non-government investors such as consortiums, corporations, and individuals to invest in infrastructures construction, the government provides vouches against non-market risks that investors cannot control through market mechanisms.


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A Call To All Non-Believers
La Luna Che Non C'e
Dell'amore Non Si Sa
Le Parole Che Non Ti Ho Detto
Non Ti Scordar Di Me
Non Angelical
L'uomo Che Non C'è
Se Non Ci Fossi Tu
Ci Sei E Se Non Ci Sei
Non-Partial, Non Political

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
