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The relationship of the operating expenses of the property in any year to the gross receipts in the same year also reflects this non-independence.


Contemporary purveyors of the Way of Negation standardly amend Frege's criterion by requiring that abstract objects be non-spatial or causally inefficacious or both.

对抽象对象所需要的标准,当代对Frege的否定方法的标准修正是'非空间的『 non-spatial 』'或'因果上无力的『 causally inefficacious,不起因果作用的』'或两者一起。

It is much easier to believe that it is their non-spatiality or their causal inefficacy or something of the sort.

更容易相信的是,它们的非空间性『non-spatiality』或因果无力性『causal inefficacy』或别的什么。

In chapter 1, we introduce the definitions of area integral S_β and invariant g-function on unit sphere, and study their boundedness on BMO and non-isotropic Lipschitz spaces.

共分三章,第一章引进了C~n单位球面上的面积积分和不变g函数,研究它们在BMO空间以及non-isotropic Lipschitz空间上的有界性问题。

6Although common prejudice still believes that the sole essential basis of our knowledge is given exclusively from outside and that "nihil est in intellectu quod non antea fuerit in sensu, it nevertheless remains true that the thoroughly respectable atomic theory of Leucippus and Democritus was not based 0 any observations of atomic fission but on a "mythological" conception of smallest particles, which, as the smallest animate parts, the soul-atoms, are known even to the still palaeolithi inhabitants of central Australia.9 How much "soul is projected into the unknown in the world of external appearance is, of course, familiar to anyone acquainted with the natural science and natural philosophy of the ancients.

虽然普通的偏见依然相信我们知识的唯一的本质的基础是来自外部世界,and that "nihil est in intellectu quod non antea fuerit in sensu,路斯帕和德谟克利特令人敬佩的原子理论并不基于任何对原子裂变的观察,而是基于"神话的"最小粒子的概念,这是作为最小的有生气的部分,灵魂的原子,这些也为中澳大利亚旧石器时代的居民所知。有多少"灵魂投射进世界外观的未知中,当然,也和任何人所熟知的古代人的自然科学、自然哲学相似。

Lilliputian frontier is a convex polygon with non-zero area.

小人国的边境为凸多边形性状(面积不为0 with non-zero area??

The number one cause for errors or non-validation within a nested list is the lack of proper list structure.


We first observed that myf5 was expressed in the non-axial mesoderm at the shield stage.

本实验发现myf5 在胚胎发育早期表现在non-axial mesoderm位置。

The dominant species of fungus are Penicillium, Cladosporium and Aspergillus, and size distribution ranges between 2.1 and 3.3 m. The dominant species of bacteria are Glucose-Non-Fermentation and Micrococcus, and size distribution of the bioaerosols are 0.65 to 1.1 m and 2.1~3.3 m respectively.

真菌的优势菌种为Penicillium, Cladosporium, Aspergillus,大多数粒径分布2.1~3.3 m之间;细菌的优势菌种为Glucose-Non-Fermentation, Micrococcus,大多数粒径分布在0.65~1.1 m及2.1~3.3 m之间。

They do not represent many other important system quality attributes such as modifiability, buildability, security, reliability, and performance, nor do they represent non-operational or business-oriented qualities such as the ability to reduce development and maintenance costs.

他们不代表许多其它重要系统质量属性譬如modifiability 、buildability 、安全、可靠性,和表现,亦不他们代表non-operational 或朝向商业的质量譬如能力减少发展和维修费用。

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A Call To All Non-Believers
La Luna Che Non C'e
Dell'amore Non Si Sa
Le Parole Che Non Ti Ho Detto
Non Ti Scordar Di Me
Non Angelical
L'uomo Che Non C'è
Se Non Ci Fossi Tu
Ci Sei E Se Non Ci Sei
Non-Partial, Non Political

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
