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与 nominal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fourth, Based on sample data collected in Shenzhen city in 2003, the paper, from various perspectives, calculates nominal VAT rate for goods sold domestically or internationally. By the means of the calculation of the extent of indirect nominal tax burden shifting, we can get the economy tax burden from evaluating some trades'tax burden shifting range of Shenzhen VAT taxpayer. This paper also analyses the problems and the reasons of it and proved that the result of the separate calculation of domestic sales nominal tax burden and export sales tax burden can more realistically reflects the enterprises'nominal tax burden.. Enterprises with higher nominal tax burden can transfer their most parts of their nominal tax burden to the consumers, but the enterprises with lower nominal tax burden have to bear all nominal tax burden. Thus, when measuring the properness of tax burden from the VAT taxpayer, a comparison between economic tax burden and optimum tax burden should be considered.


Firstly, applying spectral factorization to minimize an integral square performance criterion containing tracking error and control energy, an optimal control law for the nominal model is derived on condition of control energy constraint. Then, for model uncertainty, using spectral factorization to minimize the variance of the actual system performance from the nominal performance over all frequency range, a robust controller design method is abtained, which has optimal robustness of the system nominal performance to model errors.


Independent-samples t-test is used to compare means of the experimental and control groups.The statistical results reveal that collocational competence with the sub-technical terms of the experimental group is significantly higher than that of the control group. However, the CBSTT model's effect on the simple nominal phrase collocational competence is more significant than the effect on the complex nominal phrase collocational competence. From the perspective of production competence, the overall results of the experimental groups are significantly higher than the overall results of the control group. The complex nominal phrase production competence is not significantly developed at the beginning of the experiment. With the progress of the experiment, the differences from the two groups become salient.


The main innovations of this dissertation are as follows:(1) When the previous researches tested the McCallum Rule in the form of nominal income target, the constant term in the rule expression, namely the logarithm of the growth rate of nominal income was determined subjectively and casually because the potential economic growth rate is difficult to estimate.


Based on the accurate nonlinear flight dynamics of RLV, the flight manager was established, featuring the flight corridor and effectors health status, which meets the requirement of nominal flight management, guidance/control reconfiguration under off-nominal conditions, and transitioning to an abort mode in response to a more serious situation.


This thesis mainly discuss following issues, Theory and simple expressions for array covariance matrixes are derived when angular spread functions are symmetric distribution functions, i. e. the Uniform distribution, the Gauss distribution, the Laplace distribution and the Von Mises distribution, and a non-symmetric distribution function, i. e. the Gamma distribution. And the relation between the effective signal subspace and the array number, or and the nominal angle of the distributed source, the angular spread, the distributed functions, and the Signal-to-Noise Ratio is gained. The dimension of the effective signal subspace increases with increment of the array number. And it is more obvious to the non-symmetric distribution. The dimension of the effective signal subspace decreases with increment of the nominal angle. And the distributed source is equal to a point source as θ=π/2. The dimension of the effective signal subspace increases with increment of the angular spread.

本论文针对阵列信号处理中广泛存在的分布源现象,主要讨论了以下问题:推导了角度分布函数分别为对称的均匀分布、高斯分布、拉普拉斯分布、Von Mises分布和非对称的伽马分布时,分布源阵列接收信号协方差阵的严格模型和简化模型,得到了单个分布源的有效信号子空间随阵元数、分布源中心角、分布角、角度分布函数和信噪比的变化规律:随着阵元数的增加,对所有角度分布函数的有效信号子空间维数也随着增加,且非对称分布函数的有效信号子空间充满整个空间的可能性更大;随着分布源中心角逐步增加,有效信号子空间维数逐步减小,当θ=π/2时,等价于点源情形;随着分布源分布角逐渐加大,有效信号子空间维数也随之增加,直到有效信号子空间充满整个空间;随着信噪比的增加,有效信号子空间维数有一定程度的减少。

Since 1993 nominal money supply M2 has exceeded nominal GDP in both absolute amount and growth rate.


Under the Fisher hypothesis, an increase in nominal money growth — which is reflected one for one in an increase in inflation — has no effect on the real interest rate in the long run and increases the nominal interest rate by an amount equal to increase in money growth.

在 FISHER 假说下,名义货币的增长与通货膨胀的增长是一一对应的,在长期内对实际利率没有影响,并通过等量于货币增长的增加使名义利率也增加。

The nominal amount of the aggregate number of Shares over which the Committee may grant Options on any date, when aggregated with the nominal amount of the number of Shares issued and issuable in respect all Options granted under the Scheme and any ot


III. Nominal clausesIII. Nominal clauses


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All Hail
Cosmik Debris
Banshee (Ghost Fame)
Protector (Skit)

The black and white one is also a Chihuahua.


However, we, the Zetas, are not commenting upon that.


Through its repeated ceremony performing, the demotic political belief can be established and strengthened.
