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never even相关的网络例句

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与 never even 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even so, condoms made of animal intestine — known as "French letters" in England and la capote anglaise in France — remained popular for centuries, though always expensive and never easy to obtain, meaning the device was often re-used.

尽管如此,使用动物肠制成的避孕套,在英国称作"French letters",在法国叫做la capote anglaise,虽然价格昂贵,且不易获取,但是仍然畅销了数个世纪,这说明该避孕用具具有可重复使用的特点。

Even so, condoms made of animal intestine — known as "French letters" in England and la capote anglaise in France — remained popular for centuries, though always expensive and never easy to obtain, meaning the device was often re-used.

尽管如此,使用动物肠制成的避孕套,在英国称作"French letters",在法国叫做la capote anglaise,虽然价格昂贵,且不易获取,但是仍然畅销了数个世纪,说明该避孕用具可重复使用。

Thatcher never suggested that the transition would be easy—but the economic shocks of her first eighteen months at 10 Downing Street have been so seismic that even the stiffest upper lips are aquiver.


Thatcher never suggested that the transition would be easy—but the economic shocks of her first eighteen months at 10 Downing Street have been so seismic that even the stiffest upper lips are aquiver.


Our company is a specialty deditcated truck manufactures,our company has own expot right ,and our water sprinkler ,road sweeper sewage suction truck,high-altitude truck ,aerial truck and vans are export to foreign countries ,and our dump trucks also have a large number of foriengn market.which dose not means that business would have been so good to do you .we are still faced with severs knock,The world is such that you never rest on its laurel,in this world you are not progress ,that means it is a biggest step backword,you may bot be saring by leaps and bounds.but you must be persistent sffers,even small steps to move,as long as you are moving ,you have hope,as long as you still has not been extinguished,you have the right to breed,this is the reality in this world.i have gone through the kind of look at the age of fairy tales,and i have already through the kind of the passion for survival alone love,aithough i still have in mind dream,the splendor of breathtaking beauty of dream,but i know that is the real dream that is close our eyes at night,and i know whick is my future that i must begging for it..


It may never do so, even at the risk of being bombed.


After all, unpleasantness seems to run contrary to Jones\' nature, and even if she dabbles in Tom Waits-ian carnivalesque stomps ("Sinkin\' Soon") or tentatively stabs at politics ("My Dear Country"), it never feels out of place; often, the shift is so subtle that it\'s hard to notice.

毕竟,不愉快似乎违背琼斯的性质,即使她参照物在汤姆韦斯-伊恩嘉年华stomps (& Sinkin \'很快&)或暂时刺在政治,它从来没有感觉了地方;经常的转变是如此微妙的,它很难通知。

When Israel bombs Palestinian refugee camps killing many civilians -often without even a pretense of "reprisal"-or sends its troops into Lebanese villages in "counterterror" operations where they murder and destroy, or hijacks ships and dispatches hundreds of hostages to prison camps under horrifying conditions, this is not "terrorism"; in fact, the rare voices of protest are thunderously condemned by loyal party liners for their "anti-Semitism" and "double standard," demonstrated by their failure to join the chorus of praise for "a country that cares for human life", whose "high moral purpose" is the object of never-ending awe and acclaim, a country which, according to its admirers,"is held to a higher law, as interpreted for it by journalists".4


As the monetary awards gradually increased, the number of honest children was observed to increase curvedly and continuously, This phenomenon described as "a tendency of non-uniform curvedly increasing" manifested itself as follows: when the awards for successfully guessing were increased from no award to 1RMB, and then to 2 RMB(awards for honesty equaled that for successfully guessing), the number of honest children gradually increased. However, even when the two awards were equal, only 33.3 percent were being honest. From the condition of 2 RMB awards to 3 RMB awards for honesty (awards for honesty were higher than that for successfully guessing), the proportion of honest children increased the fastest. After that, the tendency slowed down but never stopped, as the amount of awards for honesty continued to increase.


This work tries to apply the learning process of the cognition structure defined in Cognitive Psychology to enhance or modify the development of AI, of which the learning models are almost based on trial and error style. However, this kind of learning style is definably given to the experience behavior of stimulus and response in Psychology. Thus, the relative AI models based on such style are design as an experience-adaptation system. For better ones, e.g. evolution-base algorithms, they belonged to the system with more powerful computing power to the dynamical environment. Even so, it was considered not only outside environment but also internal parameter tuning. As for the entire learning process, it has never been enhanced. That is, various original AI models are easily to be developed to their own close-form problem.


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Never Even Thought
You Never Even Call Me By My Name
Never Even There

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
