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8 Normal nephridial tissues, 10 nephridial tissues with early stage acute rejection, 9 nephridial tissues with late stage acute rejection and 12 nephridial tissues with chronic rejection were collected and investigated for CMV immediate early antigen by immunohistochemistry.
In order to compare the infection condition among the normal nephridial tissues, nephridial tissues with early stage acute rejection, nephridial tissues with late stage acute rejection and chronic rejection, and discuss the relationship between CMV infection and allograft rejection.
目的 1。对比观察正常肾组织、急性排斥反应肾组织、远期急性排斥及慢性排斥反应肾组织中CMV感染情况,探讨肾移植术后CMV感染与排斥反应的关系
Cases of normal nephridial tissues were negative; only 1 (10%) in 10 of nephridial tissues with early stage acute rejection was positive; 5 (55. 6%) in 9 cases with late stage acute rejection and 8 (66. 7%) in 12 cases with chronic rejection were positive.
Methods Immunohistochemistry stain was employed on the 34 lupus nephridial tissues and 10 nephridial tissues of control group. And light microscopy was applied to observe the percentage of CKLF-1 positive cells of renal gromerulus and tubule.
Objective: To study training-caused nephridial tissue lesion and the prevention for Wistar ratstrained to make rush entry into plateau by observing their pathological change of nephridial tissue and level of blood kidney fucnction.
目的 通过观察训练大鼠急进高原模型肾组织学形态改变和血中肾功能水平以探讨训练对大鼠肾组织的损伤及防护效果。
MethodsThe rat chronic renal failure model induced by feeding adenine was used to investigate rat blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, amount of emiction within 24 h, urinary protein and pathological reaction of nephridial tissue by means of comparing the blank control, negative control, positive control with the Cordyceps minlitaris stroma of CRF rats.
方法采用饲喂腺嘌呤诱导大鼠慢性肾衰模型,观察比较了空白组、阴性对照组、阳性对照组和蛹虫草子实体组CRF模型大鼠血尿素氮、肌酐、24 h尿量、尿蛋白
In the end, a comparison was made to detect 24 hours TUP ,renal function parameter, changes of NO and ET-1 contents , nephridial tissue examination. Results: 1、Compared with Normal Control group , NO contents decreases in Model Control(P〈0.05),but the ET-1 contents increased.
After being treated with Nephritis NO.1 Prescription, NO and the ET-1 contents in Model group recovered(P〈0.05)2、Nephridial tissue examination indicated that there were lessened microscopic structural pathological changes ,cellular proliferation and widening mesangial region in mesangial cells through treatment compared to Model Control , Conclusions :1 For Mesangial Proliferative Nephritis , Manshen NO.1Prescription has satisfactory therapeutic effects, It can improve symptoms, restrain accrementition in intercapillary cells and mesangial region, thus prevent nephric tubule's indurascent and prevent renal failure.2、Manshen NO.1 Prescription can increase NO contents; reduce ET-1 contents in Model control.
Methods: Fifty rabbits underwent left tube ureterocutaneostomy as a method of urinary diversion, all rabbits were divided randomly into five groups: the flushing group perfused immediately after ureterocutaneostomy, and the intrapelvic pressure is 60, 80, 100, 120 cmH2O, but the sham operated group didn't flush. Urinary albumin were examined every day after operation, we also got pathological examination of nephridial tissue continually.
分别建立左侧输尿管皮肤造口的动物模型:健康家兔50只,随机分为5组(每组10只),假手术组只造瘘不灌注,灌注组输尿管造瘘后立即行逆行灌注,灌注压力分别为60、80、100、120 cmH2O(1 cmH2O=0.098 kPa),术后每天留取尿标本定量测定尿白蛋白,连续取肾组织行病理检查监测兔肾形态学改变。
Most of the post-septal part of the nephridial tube is secretory.
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The results showed that the peak latency and pattern of SEPs elicited by electrical needling in LI-l1 and MP were similar. The amplitude of SEPs elicited by electrical needling in LI-l1 was higher than that of MP. There was no obvious SEPs generation when MM was electrical needling.
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