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与 navy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Navy is quite sizable by international standards with 20 frigates and 4 destroyers, plus submarines and numerous corvettes, missile boats and other craft.

海军是相当可观的国际标准, 20艘护卫舰和4艘驱逐舰,加上众多的护卫舰和潜艇,导弹快艇和其他工艺品。

They, like the Renown herself, were only cogs in the greater machine which was the Royal Navy, and most of them, caught up in the time-honoured routine and discipline of the service, were content to be cogs, to wash decks and set up rigging, to point guns or to charge with cutlasses over hostile bulwarks, with little thought as to whether the ship's bows were headed north or south, whether it was Frenchman or Spaniard or Dutchman who received their charge.


They, like the Renown herself, were only cogs in the greater machine which was the Royal Navy, and most of them, caught up in the time-honoured routine and discipline of the service, were content to be cogs, to wash decks and set up rigging, to point guns or to charge with cutlasses over hostile bulwarks, with little thought as to whether the ship[cho8]s bows were headed north or south, whether it was Frenchman or Spaniard or Dutchman who received their charge.


Despite our lessons from nuremberg and the death camps, the cia, u.s. navy and the u.s. army chemical corps targeted specific groups of people for experimentation who were not able to resist, prisoners, mental patients, foreigners, ethnic minorities, sex deviants, the terminally ill, children and u.s.


The idea was to take 150,000 of the brightest draftees and offer to put them through college if they opted for the Army (the Navy had a smaller but similar program already in place; Stimson wanted to complete).


A navy military pea coat had bandbox-smart striped edgings.

海军军事豌豆大衣已bandbox智能条纹edgings 。

Still swinging, Shane connected with one of the Navy men, bruising the bone over his eye.


We renovated classroom space used by the Navy to train personnel to operate and maintain aircraft carrier catapult and catching equipment, fire trucks and rescue apparatus.


Navy records show that during the period 7 to 24 December the expenditure, headed off by 162 sixteen-inch rounds from the battleship Missouri (BB 63), included 2,932 eight-inch, 18,637 five-inch, and 71 three-inch shells plus 1,462 five-inch rockets.

海军的记录显示在12月7日至24日之间以&密苏里&号(BB 63)战列舰开头的消耗清单里,16英寸口径的炮弹有162发,8英寸口径的炮弹有2,932发,5英寸口径的炮弹有18,637发,3英寸口径的炮弹有71发,另外还有1,462枚5英寸口径的火箭弹。

Here the battleship Missouri (BB 63) bangs away with its 16-inch guns. Altogether the Navy fired more than 162 sixteen-inch, 2,932 eight-inch, and 18,637 five-inch shells plus 1,462 five-inch rockets during the period 7 to 24 December.

照片中的&密苏里&号(BB 63)战列舰正在用其16英寸口径的巨炮进行轰击。12月7日至24日之间海军发射的炮弹总计有16英寸口径的炮弹162发,8英寸口径的炮弹2,932发,5英寸口径的炮弹18,637发,另外还有1,462枚5英寸口径的火箭弹。

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The Navy Song
French Navy
Navy Sheets
Navy Taxi
Navy Blue
In The Navy
Navy Wives

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
