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与 navy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The defeat of the Ottoman navy in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 was not, as many in Europe hoped, the beginning of a rapid disintegration of the Ottoman Empire; more than one hundred years later, in 1683, Ottoman troops once again besieged Vienna.

打败奥斯曼帝国海军战役lepanto 1571年,是不是,因为有很多在欧洲的希望,开始了一个迅速瓦解奥斯曼帝国;超过一百年后,在1683 ,奥斯曼军队再次围困的维也纳。

The defeat of the Ottoman navy in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 was not, as many in Europe hoped, the beginning of a rapid disintegration of the Ottoman Empire; more than one hundred years later, in 1683, Ottoman troops once again besieged Vienna.


Tunis had been taken along with Cyprus but was lost the next year to the navy of the Lepanto victor, John of Austria; but now Uluz 'Ali Pasha recaptured the La Goletta fortress, and Tunis became part of the Ottoman province that included Algiers and Tripoli.

突尼斯已经采取了与塞浦路斯,但失去了明年海军的勒颁多维克多,约翰奥地利;但现在Uluz '阿里总督夺回香格里拉Goletta堡垒,和突尼斯成为奥斯曼省,其中包括阿尔及尔和的黎波里。

While preparing for the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, British admiral Horatio Nelson, aboard HMS Victory, discussed his navy's prospects with his captain, Thomas Masterman Hardy.


After the Persian broke the price record pushes directly into, captures and has looted Athens, but Athens Navy has actually routed the Persian fleet in the city nearby sarah Meese bay, reversed the war at one fell swoop, forced the Persian army to repulse the enemy.479 B.C., 100,000 Greek Allied armies fierce pursuit, launch with 300,000 enemy troops in Asia minor fights a decisive battle and wins, simultaneously the Greece united fleets also win the naval battle the finally victory.


After the Persian broke the price record pushes directly into, captures and has looted Athens, but Athens Navy has actually routed the Persian fleet in the city nearby sarah Meese bay, reversed the war at one fell swoop, forced the Persian army to repulse the enemy.479 B.C., 100,000 Greek Allied armies fierce pursuit, launch with 300,000 enemy troops in Asia minor fights a decisive battle and wins, simultaneously the Greece united fleets also win the naval battle the finally victory.


Nothing daunted the ardour of the merch navy.

任何 困难都不能挫败商船船员的锐气。

First flight of the MQ-8B for the US Navy was in December 2006, at Patuxent River Naval Air Station.


Navy's MQ-8B Fire Scout unmanned aerial vehicle made its first flight this week, at the Webster Field annex of Patuxent River Naval Air Station, in St.


But, on the other hand, it was such touches that underscored designer Véronique Nichanian's confident new looseness. She's brokered a successful marriage of casual and luxe—now who's up for a peacoat in navy croc?

但另一方面,Hermes男装设计师Véronique Nichanian确信这种新鲜的搭配方式,而她也尝试打破奢华与休闲的严格定义,就像在这次秀上所见到的海军蓝鳄鱼皮外套般,即是最佳例证。

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The Navy Song
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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
