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与 navy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At one point, he grasped a military veteran by the arm and recalled how he had learned everything he knew about leadership from a navy petty officer.


Lawyer : why , yes … the navy pinstripe


Some of my favorites are black, navy, pinto and kidney beans.


Also on Wednesday, a navy minesweeper scoured Piraeus harbor for potential explosives.


Britain's Royal Navy usually requires clear evidence of an actual attack. Just owning piratical kit may not be enough. It is not illegal to bear arms on the high seas.


Entering the navy as a volunteer, he served in the Dutch Wars and became post captain in 1673.He became Rear Admiral in 1690, and fought at the Battle of Beachy Head.In May 1692 he served under Russell at the Battle of Barfleur, and he greatly distinguished himself in a night attack on the French fleet at La Hogue, when he succeeded in burning six of their ships.

他志愿参军,在英荷战争中成为上校舰长。1690年他晋升为海军少将并参与了Battle of Beachy Head的战斗。1692年5月他在Battle of Barfleur中效力于海军元帅拉塞尔将军麾下,并在La Hogue之战中由于夜袭法国舰队焚沉6艘法军军舰而声名卓著。

Mine: His father is a high grade navy general of the Soviet Union, and used to be a journalist in Pravda.


The rain drummed against the tin roof of the prefabricate d laboratory at Great Baddow in essex, where I was working as a Navy scientist attached to the Marconi Company


CB cells (30 mL) were obtained from healthy primipara at the Department of Obstetrics, Navy General Hospital of Chinese PLA.

解放军海军总医院产科10例健康初产妇脐带血细胞,细胞体积为30 mL。

With its 2,800-mile range, the Privateer was so useful that in the Navy took delivery of 739 of them, though few reached front line service by VJ-Day.


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The Navy Song
French Navy
Navy Sheets
Navy Taxi
Navy Blue
In The Navy
Navy Wives

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
