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与 national 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article begins with the conclusion of national treatment in the Bilateral Investment Treaty, and then the two periods, the post-establishment national treatment and the pre-establishment national treatment in international treatment are followed to be analysed.


First of all, I, to some basic theory knowledge of the scenic spot, concept, important document of the composition, function, historical development of the scenic spot are described , among them differentiate and analyse the difference between scenic spot, nature reserve , Forest Park , tourist zone , foreign national park especially, pass the comparison in such several respects as nature , definition , establishment conditions , aim , building policy ,etc, can find out there are very great differences in scenic spot and other areas , it is an independent legal area; Secondly, I analyse to China and foreign legislative overview of scenic spot, list the scenic spot in the national park or protection zone system abroad , has made the special" law of protection zone " and " law of national park ", China"s corresponding legislation is more weak , there is not a special scenic spot to legislate at present in China, only an administrative statute that the State Council issued in 1982 -" provisional administrative regulations of scenic spot"; Moreover, I set up with the existing legislative existing problem of scenic spot in our country is it expound the fact to go onning to of our country planning , management, property right that scenic spot exist, it will must set about making " the law of scenic spot" while saving the scenic spot to strengthen the protection management to the scenic spot at the present stage; Finally, I belong to to legislative aim , legislative principle , right, our country of " scenic spot law such basic frames as the system , management system , legal liability ,etc. is it expound the fact to go on..


The company has passed ISO9001 quality system verification, and independent research and development of type 1 HWK thermostatic radiator valve system controlled by the three national patents, by the National Ministry of Construction in 2004 as a promotional item, a national construction industry thermostatic radiator control valves technical standards for AP members.


Group won the "China Famous Trademark","Chinese famous brand","National Inspection-free Product" three national gold medal honor, and the company is a national security committee, is "mechanical anti-theft lock" standard-setting unit 1, the company producing electric bicycle uses the company's own patented anti-theft technologies, the production of electric bicycles in the industry-leading anti-theft feature.


The rapid development of the company, won the government and society from all walks of life affirmation and support, is for China Shunda Industrial Production and Application of Food Additives Industry Association executive director of the unit, the National Federation of Industry and Commerce Association executive director of the baking unit, the Chinese bakery products Sugar Industry Association units and food additives produced in Heilongjiang Province Application Industry Association, vice chairman of the unit, Heilongjiang Province,"observe contracts and keep promise" unit in 2005, China National Food Industry Association has been awarded the "National Food Industry outstanding progress in science and technology enterprise" title.


It is analysed by insiders that our national organic silicon industry is at high speed developing period, and at present, the national organic silicon only has 500 kinds; the compound manufacturing and processing capability do not meet the market demand, especially the methyl chloride silicon hydride making, has become the neck of our national organic silicon, so it have active and real meaning to build this project of organic single silicon and its sub-item products.


Mr. Wang Chang has participated in national exhibitions and award-winning, major achievements include: 1999,"the snow-covered gold wind map" was the second capital of the Arts Award for outstanding works Fair,"olgensis First Snow" by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum collection,"Beyond the Great Snow Ji" and three works appeared in the "Contemporary Painting" book,"Snow Hokkoku Ji" by Mr. Ma Ji master comic collection; in 2000,"the North snow bath" is of Jiangsu Wu arts collection,"village day" selected works focus on the Chinese Artists,"Guardian of the North" building seventy-fifth anniversary of the National Excellence Award Exhibition; in 2002,"no place to look for Changbai Waterfall" National Landscape Exhibition selected; in 2004 "the dream of Everest," paintings by the Jilin Province Art Research Association Gold Award; in 2005 "the dream of Everest," the fourth school to participate in snow and ice show; in 2006,"Rural Snow" Exhibition of Fine Arts to participate in the State of Belarus; in 2007,"snow" is the Chinese Cultural Institute collection.

王昌先生多次参加全国性大展并获奖,主要成就有:1999年《雪域金风图》获第二届首都艺博会优秀作品奖,《长白初雪》被香港文化艺术馆收藏,《塞外雪霁》等三幅作品入选《当代绘画艺术》画集,《北国雪霁》被相声大师马季先生收藏;2000年《北国浴雪》被江苏吴门艺术机构收藏,《山村正月》入选中国美术家作品集中,《北国卫士》获全国建军七十五周年艺术大展优秀奖;2002年《长白瀑布无处寻》入选全国山水画大展; 2004年《珠峰之梦》获吉林省书画艺术研究会金奖;2005年《珠峰之梦》参加冰雪画派第四届展;2006年《乡雪》参加白俄罗斯国家美术大展;2007年《融雪》被中华文化学院收藏。

First, the rural social security system should be developed in accordance with the national conditions, including economic and social development status quo, people's views and security traditions. Next, the thesis puts forward the guiding thought and general principles for the establishment of the system based on the national conditions, and clearly sets forth the idea of establishing the transitional rural social security system. Then, the thesis makes explanation and analysis respectively on the existing security types, hoping to find the proper components of the rural social security system that is suited to the conditions of the country. At last, the thesis puts forward the objective mode and transitional mode of the establishment of the system at the macro level. The objective mode is the development direction of the transitional mode, and the transitional mode is a necessary stage of the objective mode. Only when establishing the vigorous transitional mode that is suited to the national conditions and achieving development, can the objective mode be possibly realized in the self-evolution of the transitional mode.


A pool of saffron-colored oil paints swirls along Alaska's shoreline following the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. Although it was not large compared to other spills, the Valdez oil spill was one of the world's most ecologically devastating disasters, spoiling more than 1,200 miles (1,931 kilometers) of shoreline, including three national parks, three national wildlife refuges, and one national forest.

意译:在1989年发生一件油污染事故,沿着阿拉斯加的海岸线之下,出现:Exxon Valdez的石油溢出,可以看到一池塘的藏红花色的呈漩涡状的油漆样的石油,是一次世界规模最大的生态学的破坏性的灾难,油污染范围达到1931公里长的海岸线,包括三个国家的公园,三个野生动植物庇护所,还有一个国家的森林。

National Anthem:"God save the queen""god save the queen"(such as the reign of a male monarch, the national anthem changed to "god save the king") Flower: roses State bird: Red-breasted Pigeon State Stone: Diamond Science Festival: 1831 onwards, held once a year Science Week: 1994 onwards, held in March each year National political figures: Queen Elizabeth II, 1952 Nian 2 Yue 6 Ri ascended the throne in June 2, 1953 coronation; Prime Minister Tony Blair, 1997 Nian 5 Yue served in June 2001 re-election, May 5, 2005 of the Labor Party in Britain was re-election victory, Blair became Labor Party history reelection as prime minister three times a leader.

国歌: &上帝保佑女王&&上帝保佑女王&(例如一个男性国君的王朝,国歌被改变到&神救国王&)花:玫瑰国鸟: Red-breasted鸽子状态石头:金刚石科学节日: 1831年向前,每年一次举行科学星期: 1994年向前,每年举行在3月全国政治人物:英女王伊丽莎白二世, 1952年Nian 2粤6 Ri在1953年6月2日登高王位加冕;总理托尼布莱尔, 1997年Nian 5粤在2001年6月改选, 2005年5月5日担任了劳工党在英国是改选胜利,布莱尔成为了劳工党历史改选作为总理三次领导。

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National Myth
Hometown Heroes; National Nobodies
The Woodlands National Anthem
National Disgrace
A National Acrobat
National Bloody Anthem
America's Great National Pastime
National Ransom
National Anthem
U.S. National Anthem

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
