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The French name is derived from Sart-Moulin, a village near Braine-l'Alleud in Walloon Brabant, Belgium; in an allusion to the Haddock family's maritime history, the hall's English name refers to the Marlinspike, a tool used in seamanship to splice ropes.


Watterson is, is not in any way necessary--the utterance of his name is enough; a name which is like one of these electric announcements on the Madison Square tower: the mention of it touches the button in our memory and his history flashes up out of the dark and stands brilliantly revealed and familiar: distinguished soldier, journalist, orator, lecturer, statesman, political leader, rebel, reconstructed rebel: always honest, always honorable, always loyal to his convictions, right or wrong, and not afraid to speak them out; and first, last, and all the time--whether rebel or reconstructed, whether on the wrong side or on the right--a patriot in his heart.


But the member weasel has a unique name, so you can refer to it using only its member name


To do this, all you have to do is configure the bean in your Spring applicationContext.xml and then change the class attribute from your WebWork action in the xwork.xml to use the bean name defined in Spring instead of the class name.


We all had big name tags printed in capital letters so we wouldn't have to squint with our reading glasses on trying to associate the name with each well-traveled face.


"My name is ..." Question:"What's your name?"


Like to him, having changed his name and walking in Paul's, another suddenly came behind him and called him by his true name whereat straightways he looked back.


In the interview for the NAME Satellite television channel Golden Brown said most wildcatter base was in Pakistan. And NAME in the country were involved in what was happening in Afghanistan.

在Al Jazeera卫星电视频道的采访中,Brown先生称:大多数基地组织的基地在巴基斯坦,而且在这个国家的塔利班与阿富汗发生的事情有关。

But few people know that O. Henrywas just his pen name[4]. His real name was William Sydney Porter.


Grass of willow leaf horsewhip belongs to herb of perennial of horsewhip female division, formal name: Verbena Bonariensis illustrious name: Purpletop Verbena, alias: Long bine horsewhip is South-American horsewhip grass, careless, originate in South America formerly of Brazil, Argentine and other places, the flower is cyme, small tubular flower is worn be born at spending cauline coping, open amaranth or lilac flower, along with spends a bine to consider individual plant tall to make an appointment with 100-150 centimeter, liu Xie is crossed opposite, the primary part of a historical period after sowing is elliptic brim somewhat notch, beautiful bine is smoked tall the Xie Zhuai after is the slightness leaf that be like willow shape the brim still has pointed notch, the bine is a square this a little bit very special, entire individual plant has cilium to feel the feeling that pricks thorn a bit, the meeting in ground of be out of office is cross of plant of fringy horsewhip female division with a few congeneric flowers, so often a few inflorescence upright among Yu Jusan and fringy model state plant appears.

柳叶马鞭草属于马鞭草科多年生草本植物,学名:Verbena bonariensis英名:purpletop verbena,别名:南美马鞭草。长茎马鞭草,原产于南美洲,花为聚伞花序,小筒状花着生于花茎顶部,开紫红色或淡紫色花,连同花茎算株高约100-150公分,柳叶为十字对生,播种后的初期叶为椭圆形边缘略有缺刻,花茎抽高后的叶转为细长型如柳叶状边缘仍有尖缺刻,茎为正方形这点十分非凡,全株都有纤毛摸起来有点刺刺的感觉,在野地里会与一些同属花为穗状的马鞭草科植物杂交,所以常有一些花序介于聚伞与穗状的中间型态植株出现。

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In Your Name
The Name Of Jesus
The Name Of The Game
What's The Name Of The Game
Family Name
Crossed Out Name
That Name
Your Name Here
Eulogy For Name Name
Every Name Is My Name

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
