英语人>网络例句>name 相关的网络例句
与 name 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The tea contains GABA have more appellation in tea's market. It's no classification in base. Some tea used brand name, some tea used GABA's assonance to name and some tea used function to named it.

目前茶叶市场上,富含 GABA 成分的茶叶名称众多繁乱,它没有基础的分类名称(如□□乌龙茶,□□东方美人茶、□□四季春、□□绿茶、□□红茶…等),只有品牌名称而已,有以 GABA 谐音命名者如:佳绿宝、佳龙茶、加码…等,也有以功能命名者如:好困茶、元气茶、打气茶…等。

Because be on new station the line is primary, the weight of itself is not tall, differentiate all areas by 2 grade domain name again, itself not tall weight is attenuant, carry very laborious, can appear even abundantly area the circumstance that catalog of 2 grade domain name is not collected.


Increase capital attraction strength, through highway the materiality of appropriate sell one's own things and price of intangible assets contest make over two side, if auction name of road name bridge to raise money,build capital to wait, form thereby bring endowment.


In the Name box of the Add AutoFormat dialog, type a meaningful name for the new format.


He was sitting at supper when the nurse of Ulysses, whose name was Eurycleia, brought in the baby, and set him on the keens Autolycus, saying, Find a name for your grandson, for he is a child of many prayers.


Zhao Jianlei says:"Game was designed ' red name ' setting, the player name with those much homicide is sanguine, get of other player awe-stricken."


This name was contributed by China and is the Chinese name for azalea.

杜鹃为热带气旋名称列表中第 86 个名字,由中国提供,为一种花卉。

Escherichia coli was first isolated in 1885 by the German bacteriologist, Theodor Escherich, as a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract. Escherich named the organism Bacterium coli, the name reflecting the rod-shape of the cell (Bacterium means rod-shaped) and its intestinal habitat. The genus name Bacterium subsequently was changed to Escherichia in honor of its discoverer.

大肠杆菌于1885年首先被德国的细菌学家Theodor Escherich分离出来,因为它是一种普通的肠道居住者,Escherich把它命名为Bacterium coli,这个名字反映了细胞的杆状形态(Bacterium指的是杆形)和生活环境。

What''s his name? His name is Bambi.


Please prepare the cheque payable to "Ozone International", with the name of participant and the name of event written on the back of the cheque. Please mail the cheque to Ozone International Business Institute address: Level 25 Bank of China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong

请於支票抬头填写Ozone International,并於支票背面写上参加者姓名及课程名称,寄回澳子轩国际企业学院地址:中环花园道一号中国银行大厦二十五楼全层

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In Your Name
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The Name Of The Game
What's The Name Of The Game
Family Name
Crossed Out Name
That Name
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Eulogy For Name Name
Every Name Is My Name

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
