查询词典 name for
- 与 name for 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Pet Name - a name used to express affection for a person.
These trusts allow for the owner to name a pet as a beneficiary and to name a trustee to take care of the pet.
So it is settled, resolved, fixed, agreed: here is an old man who does not know what is wanted of him, who has, perhaps, done nothing, an innocent man, whose whole misfortune lies in your name, upon whom your name weighs like a crime, who is about to be taken for you, who will be condemned, who will finish his days in abjectness and horror.
Whoever applies for the transfer, abridgement, modification of the registrant''s name or address, modification of the agent''s name or address, renewal, etc.
第六条 申请与马德里协定有关的商标国际注册的后期指定、放弃、注销等事宜的,应当通过商标局办理。
For this example, we will change the company name to Acme and the project and database name to TestProj.
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.
The administrative agencies of domain name registration and the domain name holders at various levels shall, according to the requirements of these Measures and the relevant provisions, be responsible for the administration and service of the registration of domain names at the next lower level.
In addition, dynamic panels on the page can be hidden from view in thewireframe editor for easier access to widgets beneath them. To hide adynamic panel, click on the blue square to the right of the dynamicpanel name, or to hide all the panels on a page, right-click onthepage name and select Hide All.
进一步,为更方便的访问动态面板下侧的部件,在线框编辑器的视图中可以隐藏页面上的动态面板,要隐藏一个动态面板,可以单击动态面板名称右侧的蓝色方框,如果要隐藏页面上的所有动态面板,可以右击页面名称后选择Hide All菜单项。
X. As for the soldiers , they could not endure to have such a pest clothed with the name of emperor , and they all expressed their views , first one to another , then in groups , turning their thoughts to Alexander , who previously , at the time when Macrinus ws murdered , had been hailed by the senate as Caesar -- he was the cousin of this Antoninus , for both were grandsons of Varia , from whom Elagabalus had the name Varius.
Here when a woman takes her seat she does not depart again to her house until one of the strangers has thrown a silver coin into her lap and has had commerce with her outside the temple, and after throwing it he must say these words only:"I demand thee in the name of the goddess Mylitta": now Mylitta is the name given by the Assyrians to Aphrodite: and the silver coin may be of any value; whatever it is she will not refuse it, for that is not lawful for her, seeing that this coin is made sacred by the act: and she follows the man who has first thrown and does not reject any: and after that she departs to her house, having acquitted herself of her duty to the goddess, nor will you be able thenceforth to give any gift so great as to win her.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Making A Name For Ourselves
- Eulogy For Name Name
- Looking For My Name
- Somewhere Listening (For My Name)
- For Your Name
- Your Fake Name Is Good Enough For Me
- Just Another Name For Rock And Roll
- We Do It For Fun Pt.6 (My Name Is Joker)
- 推荐网络例句
With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......