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Selects in the material on inorder to for person by mystical graceful graceful feminine daydream,both must leave the dust refinedly, and does not lose the nationalclothing characteristic, therefore must select with it feeling closelining, the pure silk, the tissue, the flower bud silk unionutilization, suddenly reveals its mystically, is graceful; Is and theblack gray and so on other colors embellishes using the clothing wholepurple, achieved the harmonious feeling, echoes with the subject;Again take has the national style design, lace element and so onsplicing as the design spot, joins the modern clothing synthesis tocut out the idea, during attenion popular element, needs to derivethis nationality traditional culture and the national specialcharacteristic penetrates from the national clothing color and themodelling into during the fashion female attire design, manifestsAmerica of the fashion which the national culture and the modern tidalcurrent unifies.


Demonstrating mastery in advanced harmony and developed breath control, these women will amaze you with tonality and resonance that suggests a deeper look into the oppression and humanity of this mystical land of the Rhodope Mountains.


Out of all the possible mystical paths to one's Godhead, the schools of Thelema and Kashmir Shaivism are two that concur on the fact that man's divinity is self manifest or preeminent, without struggle, process or need for technique.


The Mystical Presence (1846) argued that the views of the Reformers, especially Calvin, provided a means to overcome superficial and subjectivistic Protestantism.

神秘的存在( 1846 )认为,意见改革者,特别是卡尔文,提供了一种手段,以克服肤浅, subjectivistic基督教。

The Naqshbandiyya's role in the Panthay rebellion remains to be studied, but there are indications that Tu Wen-hsiu, who published the first complete Chinese translation of the Koran and adopted the title Sultan Sulayman, trying to create an independent sultanate at Tali in western Yunnan, may have been an initiate of Ma Ming-hsin's branch of the Naqshbandi mystical path.


ST Katz, ed., Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis; A Poulain, The Graces of Interior Prayer; C Butler, Western Mysticism; P Murray, The Mysticism Debate; T Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation; AW Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy; A Nygren, Agape and Eros; F Heiler, Prayer; V Lossky, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church.

圣凯兹,教育署,神秘主义和哲学分析; poulain ,青睐内部祈祷; c巴特勒,西方神秘主义; p美利,神秘主义的辩论;吨默顿,新种子的沉思;胡tozer ,认识至圣者; 1尼格伦,爱德和爱,女heiler ,祈祷; v lossky ,神秘的神学东部教会。

Among them are the herd of unicorns in Central Park, the leprechauns on Wall Street, the gargoyle nest atop the Empire State Building, the Triborough Troll Bridge, the mystical city between NOHO and SOHO and the underwater Hudson mermaids.

其中有一群unicorns在xxx公园, leprechauns上的华尔街,石像鬼巢之上的帝国大厦,在Triborough巨魔桥,神秘的城市之间的NOHO和SOHO和哈德逊水下美人鱼。

Tao is the Absolute, the "Uncarved Block" experienced only in mystical ecstasy.


Ideally, his opinionabout human being and mystical arousal are uncredible;in practice, affection and trust isevidently not enough in education.


The rulers in the Eastern Han Dynasty initiated governing the country by divination combined with mystical Confucianism belief, and fartherly mythic zed and superstores the Confucian doctrine of filial piety with more unlightened and superstitious theories .


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
