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Four factors together caused this:(1) the insistence of the anti Gnostic fathers, particularly Tertullian, that the faithful are those who believe "the faith" as stated in the "rule of faith", ie, the Creed;(2) the intellectualism of Clement and Origen, to whom pistis was just an inferior substitute for, and stepping stone to, gnosis of spiritual things;(3) the assimilation of biblical morality to Stoic moralism, an ethic not of grateful dependence but of resolute selfreliance;(4) the clothing of the biblical doctrine of communion with God in Neoplatonic dress, which made it appear as a mystical ascent to the supersensible achieved by aspiring love, having no link with the ordinary exercise of faith at all.

有4个因素共同造成了这一:( 1 )坚持战斗在反腐败的诺斯替父亲,尤其是戴尔都良,即忠诚,是那些相信&诚信为本&的声明,在&法治诚信&,即,信仰;( 2 )知识分子的克莱门特和渊源,向谁信实的只是一个劣质的替代品,并踏脚石,预后的精神的东西,( 3 )同化的圣经道德斯多葛道德主义,伦理不是感激的依赖,但坚决自立;服装的圣经教义与上帝在neoplatonic着装,这使得它似乎是一个神秘上升到supersensible实现抱负的爱,没有结合一般意义上的演练的信念都没有。

The most striking similarity of Greek and Indian thought is the resemblance between the system of mystical gnosis described in the Enneads of the Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus (3rd century AD) and that of the Yoga-sutras attributed to Pata 駄 ali, an Indian religious teacher sometimes dated in the 2nd century AD.

希腊人和印度人最惊人的相似之处就是神秘灵知体系之间的相似性,表现在新柏拉图主义者哲学家普罗提诺( Plotinus ,公元三世纪)对九个一组的描述上,还有就是回溯到公元二世纪的印度宗教导师帕坦迦利的《瑜伽经》。

Briefly and generally stated, mystical theology or Christian mysticism seeks to describe an experienced, direct, nonabstract, unmediated, loving knowing of God, a knowing or seeing so direct as to be called union with God.

简单和普遍指出,神秘的神学或基督教的神秘主义,旨在描述一位经验丰富,直接, nonabstract ,中间人,爱好不知道上帝,知道或看到这么直接作为被称为联盟与上帝。

Dawson decoration the girl bothers, Travis and Baker has simultaneously fallen in love with her, but this time, local local tyrant Wang Hai cut had also known the mystical buried treasure's news, the sea cut considered oneself as place's of for this barbarian uncultivated land ruler, he will certainly not look on perhaps the buried treasure fell into hands of the two outcomer, Baker is in vain superhuman also has had no way all these to be troublesome steadily 11 levels


It thus gave Judaism a religious dimension whose mystical approaches to God were viewed by some as dangerously pantheistic and heretical.


It thus gave Judaism a religious dimension whose mystical approaches to God were viewed by some as dangerously pantheistic and heretical.


However, after the perishment of Liao Dynasty, the mystical disappearance of Khitan Culture left many multitudinous riddles in the history of China. Even today, we cannot find Khitan in China's 56 ethnic minorities.


Will Islam aspire to political power, or will more mystical or pietistic versions of the religion win out?


Will Islam aspire to political power, or will more mystical or pietistic versions of the religion win out?


The plumbeous sky passed over gently and swiftly a lightning, added on last for this scene, has increased feeling of the mystical terror.


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Mystical Experience
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Mystical End

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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
