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与 mystical 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whence it follows that we do not have the Supper without Christ, and yet at the same time have an unbloody and mystical Supper, as it was universally called by antiquity.


Proclaiming the death according to the flesh of the only begotten Son of God, that is Jesus Christ, and professing his return to life from the dead and his ascension into heaven, we offer the unbloody worship in the churches and so proceed to the mystical thanksgivings and are sanctified having partaken of the holy flesh and precious blood of Christ, the saviour of us all.

宣布死亡据肉只有上帝的独生子,也就是耶稣基督,并宣称他返回生命从死亡和他的阿森松到天堂,我们提供了unbloody 崇拜在教堂等著手thanksgivings的神秘和神圣而partaken圣肉和宝血基督救世主我们所有人。

But he was also the laughing Sufi of Islam's mystical tradition, mad—or wise—before the undiscriminating inclusiveness of God.


Awash in a sea of blue, a school of unicorn fish—named for the mystical creature whose horn they mimic—swims toward the water's surface in the Seychelles.


Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures Awash in a sea of blue, a school of unicorn fish—named for the mystical creature whose horn they mimic—swims toward the water's surface in the Seychelles.


The unitive way, which focuses on union with God, can easily include mystical theology.


Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; and conversely each lowbrow now congratulate himself on being in some mystical way unique in his likeness-on being, so to say, outstandingly average and extraordinarily ordinary.


Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; and conversely each lowbrow now congratulate himself on being in some mystical way unique in his likeness—on being, so to say, outstandingly average and extraordinarily ordinary.


Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; and conversely each lowbrow now congratulate himself on being in some mystical way unique in his likeness?


Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men;and conversely each lowbrow now congratulate himself on being in some mystical way unique in his likeness-on being,so to say,outstandingly average and extraordinarily ordinary.


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Mystical Experience
Mystical One
Mystical End

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
