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与 mosquito 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The summer Because perspire,much, mosquito is bitten, the skin is easy occurrence Sao is urticant, Diabetic After patient skin is caught to defeat easy infection, cut cicatrizations not easily.


The knowledge of verminosis prevention was lack and they had dangerous behaviors to get verminosis.39.02% had the history of drinking water from river,well and so on.45.37% ate with dirty hands.50.24% ate dirty vegetable and fruit without clean.37.07% ate fish and shrimp without cook.44.88% ate rawness pork.27.32% used nothing to prevent mosquito.


Malaria is infected by mosquito's bitting human body to spread parasites.


Well, less than a week after my arrival in Manila, I was already carpeted with a blanket of mosquito bites.


Founded 8 years mainly fluid plug mosquito coils of research, production and development.


Improved toughness of mosquito-repellent incense, which can prevent from denting and cracking.


Two examples of the fly's influence on our lives can be found in the etymologies of the wordsmosquito and musket, both of which can be traced back tomusca, the Latin word for fly.

苍蝇影响我们生活的两个例子可在两个单词mosquito 和 musket 词源中找到,两者都可追溯到musca,拉丁文中是&苍蝇&的意思。

I flicked the mosquito off my arm.


It is the result, we find, that the better the mosquito-repellent incenses' effects are, the worse they affect on human being and environment.


To spread the scientific knowledge among the people and care for their health, we try to do an experiment of eliminating mosquitoes to know the mosquito-repellent incenses and their bad ones on human being and environment.


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Funkier Than A Mosquito's Tweeter
Funkier Than A Mosquito's Tweeter
The Mosquito
Loco Mosquito
Fighting The Mosquito Wars
Mosquito March
Funkier Than A Mosquito's Tweeter
Red Mosquito

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
