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与 mortar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted, Indeed, I Myself will lay down your stones in dark mortar, And will lay your foundations with sapphires.

54:11 你这受困苦被风飘荡不得安慰的人哪,我必亲自将你的石头安置在黑石上,以蓝宝石立定你的根基

Rinse the string bean, cut into sections and add into the mortar with brown sugar, then pound together.

Step 4 青豆角洗乾净,切小段,加入捣物器中,再加入黄糖一同捣碎。

Shots, mortar blasts and calls for vengeance echoed through the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Thursday as the region embarked on a new wave of violence after Israel's targeted killing of two senior Islamic militants.


As a modern architectural element in the Pavilion, the ocean-hued glass is in an unusual, harmonious contrast with the traditional sun-bleached mortar finish of the forts.


This paper studied the relationships of uniaxial tensile and compressive stress with strain and bending properties of polymer-mortar.


Because of some advantages of large area reinforced concrete floor as firm structure, bright and clean surface and convenient cleaning in general public place it has replaced the cement mortar, terrazzo floor and floor tiles.

由于大面积钢筋混凝土地面具有结构牢固、平整光洁和便于清洁的优点,在一般公众场所,从 2 0世纪 90年代起就取代了水泥砂浆地面、水磨石地面以及地板砖地面。

The first occurred on July 8, 1918, when a trench mortar shell struck him while he crouched beyond the front lines with three Italian soldiers.

第一次发生在1918年 7月8日,当一个战壕的迫击炮弹击中他时,他蹲在超越前线与3名意大利士兵。

When we were clearing up ancient mines at that time, a kind of trencher was discovered under the well, which was like modern panning bucket. They looked like a boat, or a gold ingot, or a long strip. Under the well, there were also stone pestle and stone mortar.


When the ancients couldn't judge content of gold in rocks with naked eyes, they beat ores into mash in stone mortar, put them into trencher, panned them in water, and discarded coarse materials.


Would be a good mixing mortar with trowel direct filling, smoothing can be.

2.2 将拌和好的砂浆用抹子直接填充、抹平即可。

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Bricks And Mortar
Bricks And Mortar

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
