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与 molluscs 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among them, the tilapia, fish, shrimp is still the bulk of export varieties, and frozen molluscs, frozen crab exports is also one of the highlights of this year.


Previous attempts to boost the numbers of native oysters in the bay by banning oyster fishing had proved disappointing because the molluscs failed to re-establish themselves.


His proposals include introducing molluscs into the city's waterways as natural bio-filters, adding bicycle lanes and hastening the cleaning and rezoning of 7,600 acres (3,100 hectares) of contaminated land.


His proposals include introducing molluscs into the city's waterways as natural bio-filters, adding bicycle lanes and hastening the cleaning and rezoning of 7,600 acres (3,100 hectares) of contaminated land.


Sponges, corals and brachiopods (a once-widespread group that looka bit like bivalve molluscs) were particularly badly hit.


Sponges, corals and brachiopods (aonce-widespread group that looka bit like bivalve molluscs) wereparticularly badly hit.


Sponges, corals and brachiopods (a once-widespread group that look a bit like bivalve molluscs) were particularly badly hit.


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By using competitive adsorption of activated carbom to remove unfavorable influence of carbon in carbonaceous gold concentrate on leaching process, the leaching rate of gold concentrate can be improved to 88% as compared with 10%by direct cyanidation.


The only thing you're ever gonna be king of is King of the Stupids!


The first thing you're asked to do is to turn off the light.
