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According to analysis of root exudates by HPLC, aluminum induced roots of stylo to secret citrate and its secretion increased with Al concentration treated (0, 10, 20, 50 umol L-1) and the period of exposure to Al (6, 12, 18, 24 h), which indicated that Al-induced secretion of citrate is an important mechanism for stylo to resist the toxicity of aluminum.

采用高效液相色谱法对根系分泌物的分析发现,铝诱导柱花草根系分泌柠檬酸,并且其分泌量随铝处理浓度0、10、20、50 μmol L~(-1和时间(6、12、18、24 h)的增加而增加,表明铝诱导根系分泌柠檬酸是柱花草抵御铝毒害的重要机制。

The end products in PYG broth were mainly acetic acid, lactic acid and small amount of succinate acid.

在PYG肉汤中的代谢产物主要为乙酸、乳酸以及少量的琥珀酸和异戊酸。G+C mol%为33.16S rRNA 序列分析和同源性检索发现YP 和芽孢杆菌一些种的同源性较高,可达96%。

The detection limit was 5.0×10^(-7) mol/L. With the proposed method, SD in sulfadiazine tablets was determined.


, 80g/l HPZ-Ti solution can be stored stably for more than one year at atmospheric temperature (the highest temp. is 35℃), the precipitation point pH of 0.05M HPZ-Ti solution exceeds 4. 6, the stability can meet the tannage need. The tanning power of HPZ-Ti tanning liquor is better than that of any other titaninum tanning liquors which have been researched.

与钛配位能力适中,在革内有较好的渗透性,HPZ—Ti配合物与胶原有较大的反应活性,HPZ与Ti以0.45mol HPZ/mol Ti比例混和,浓度为80g/l时,在室温下(最高温度35℃)可稳定存放一年以上,浑浊点pH值达4.60以上,其鞣性优于其它配体蒙囿的钛溶液和其它方法制备的钛鞣剂。

METHODS: Fresh bovine tendo calcaneus collagen was dispersed in 0.5 mol/L acetic acid, co-precipitated with chitosan and lyophilized. Dry membranes were cross-linked in 0.05% glutaraldehyde for 24 hours. In vitro its degrading rate was measured by use of collagenase degrading test. The chitosan-collagen membrane was implanted to subcutaneous dorsal sites of SD rats. After implantation, histocompatibility, vascularity and degradation were observed in vivo.

以酸溶法制备胶原溶液,添加一定比例的脱乙酰化几丁质,冻干成膜,0 。0 5 %戊二醛溶液浸泡交联,行体外酶降解实验,检测其耐受酶降解能力;将制备的几丁质-胶原蛋白膜包埋于 36只 SD大鼠皮下,术后 3、5天,1、2、3、4、6、8和 12周取材,检测其组织相容性、血管化能力及材料在体内降解情况。

The microculture tetrazolium assay was used to determine the anti-proliferative effects of As2O3 on human RCC lines.


It was found that thionine could mediate the electron transfer of HRP with the electrode substrate.


The waves are very useful for the determination Of these compounds, for homocystine, 6-mercaptopurine and thiouracil, the detection limits are 2×10-8, 8×10-8 and 5×10-8 mol/L,respecrespectively.


Under the conditions of microwave heating of 1 h, sul- furic acid concentration 8.0 mol/L and liquid/solid ratio 5.0 mL/g, most of the minerals in tailings can be dissolved except tremolite.


Under the conditions 0f microwave heating of I h, sulfuric acid concentration 8.0 mol/L and liquid/solid ratio 5.0 mL/g, most of the minerals in tailings can be dissolved except tremolite.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
