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And then the effects of compositions on the mechanical performance, characteristic temperatures, thermal expansion and chemical stability of the glass were discussed. Researches on lead borate sealing glasses show that PbO/B2O3 ratio exerts the most important effect on glass network. ZnO is beneficial to stabilize the glass against devitrification . Bi2O3 has little effects on the sealing temperature, while it helps to adjust the thermal expansion coefficient of lead borate glasses in a definitive range. When 0.5~4 mol% GeO2 is introduced, the glass possesses the highest stability and lowest sealing temperature (400 ?C), which is desirable for low-temperature sealing.


Through a great number of field investigations and inoculation identifications, six corn varieties( Denghail, Jidan209, Dan639, Nongda3138, Benyu9) and two corn inbred-lines( Mo 17 and Huangzao4 ) widely popularized and used in Jilin province corn production and corn breeding now were defined as ideal differential hosts for pathogens of Sporisorium reilianum .They represented different resistant and susceptible level of corn to Sporisorium reilianum and were able to group the pathogen collections of Sporisorium reilianum from different corn-grown areas in Jilin.

经过大量的田间调查及人工接种鉴定,确定了登海1、吉单209、吉单180、丹639、农大3138、本育九、Mol 7和黄早四为较理想的玉米丝黑穗病鉴别寄主,初步建立了吉林省玉米丝黑穗菌致病性分化的鉴别寄主体系,该鉴别体系中的6个玉米品种及2个玉米自交系代表了吉林省正在推广使用的玉米品种资源和二大骨干自交系,对今后鉴定和监测病菌致病类型的分化具有重要作用。

The four levels of CLA in medium were designed as 25,50,100 and 200μmol/L, and the dissolvent control being ethane.


For the Cu-Co system (+10KJ/mol), some metastable phases such as amorphous, fcc-structured superlattice and dodecagonal phase were obtained by SSR and/or IBM.


E. , Cu-Co, Co-W, Ni-W, and Ni-Sc system, were selected to study the physical mechanism involved in SSR and/or IBM.For the Cu-Co system (+10KJ/mol), some metastable phases such as amorphous, fcc-structured superlattice and dodecagonal phase were obtained by SSR and/or IBM.


The effects of IGF-1 in different concentrations was determined on the development of blastocyst in hyperglycemic conditions (30.0 mol/L glucose) in vitro, as well as the apoptosis of embyro cells by using nuclear DNA double-dyed assays.

观察不同浓度胰岛素样生长因子-1(insulin-like growth factor-1, IGF-1)对体外高糖环境胚泡细胞发育的影响,利用细胞核DNA双染实验观察不同浓度IGF-1作用下胚泡细胞的凋亡。

We identified the chromosomal number of Dracaena cambodiana for the first time and developed the techniques for observing chromosomes in the root-tip somatic cells.

改良石炭酸品红法要点是于上午9时~10时采集根尖,用饱和的对二氯苯预处理6 h,固定4~18 h,置于1 mol/L稀盐酸在60℃恒温水浴解离6 min,置载玻片用改良石炭酸品红染色30 min,敲片后显微观察。

Northern analysis indicated that expression efficiency of the bar gene driven by DCA1 promoter was regulated by the gradient concentration of sodium chloride, and the positive blotting signal intensity of the bar mRNA was highest in the medium containing 2 mol/L of sodium chloride.


Corrosion performance of olive green film on LY12 Al alloy, prepared electrolytically in 0.2 mol/L NaOH at room temperature, is evaluated by electrochemical techniques including dynamical potential anodic polarization curve and polarization resistance.


Uranium solution is obtained electrolytically by reducing uranyl ion on mercury cathode. The effect of the addition of various aminopolycarboxylic acids (such as EDTA, DTPA, CyDTA and TTHA) and organic water-miscible solvents (such as CH3OH, C2H5OH and CH3COCH3) on the stability of ura-nium in air has been investigated. The absorption spectra of uraniumand uraniumin 1 mol/l and 9mol/l hydrochloric acid solutions are examined.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
