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与 mol 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods The constriction induced by norepinephine (NE, 10-8-10-4 mol/ L) and diastole induced by acetylcholine (Ach, 10-8 -10-4 mol/ L) in thoracic aortic ring with angiosteosis induced by vitamin D3 plus nicotine in rats were recorded by BL-Newcentrary multichannel physiologic recorder.


To investigate the role of transmural dispersion of repolarization and cardiac restitution properties in arrhythimogeneity in LQT2, we observed the effects of d, 1-sotalol, hypokalemia and calcium channel blocker on TDR and cardiac restitution properties at different basic cycle length by using the arterially perfused rabbit left ventricular wedge preparation.

为探讨心室跨壁复极离散度和动作电位时程恢复性质的变化在LQT2室性心律失常发生中的作用,笔者采用冠状动脉灌注的兔左室肌楔形组织块制备LQT2模型。标本随机分四组:对照组;LQT2模型组(100 mol/L d,1-sotalol灌流);模型+低钾(3 mmol/L)组和模型+低钾+维拉帕米(2 mol/L)组。

The partial N-terminal amino acid sequences of LccA and LccB were AIGPK and GIGPV, which show high homology to those of the laccases of other white-rot basidiomycetes.


The two step reaction activity energies were 28.14 kJ/mol and 58.37 kJ/mol in the temperature range from 95 ℃ to 125 ℃,and the model values and experimental values tally well. The highest mole ratio of benzal chloride and reaction time at different tempe...


The mixed trimeric compounds containing one ferrocene unit, N,N'-bis(2-hydroxy-5-substituted benzylidene)ferrocenylmethylenediamine, have been synthesized directly through the reaction between 1 mol of ferrocenecarboxaldehyde and 2 mol of 5-substituted salicylaldehyde.

通过甲酰基二茂铁与取代水杨醛和氨反应,直接合成了含一个二茂铁的混合三聚产物, N,N'-二[2-羟基-5-取代苄烯]二茂铁甲二胺。

The results also showed that N-cadherin mediated adhesion participated in the chemoresistance of N-cadherin positive cells.


The Km and Vmax were 7.35 mg/ml and 0.206 nmol/min-mg for ChoA, and 30.42 mg/ml and 0.376xmol/min-mg for ChoB, respectively. A 270bp DNA fragment, the partial chitosanase gene from Penicillium sp.

酶A的米氏常数K_m及最大反应速度V_分别为7.35 mg/ml、0.206 μmol/min·mg,酶B的米氏常数K_m及最大反应速度V_分别是30.42 mg/ml、0.376μmol/min·mg。

CVB-D+ verapamil group:verapamil of 0.1 μmol/L was added into the bath firstly,10 minues later AP was recorded,then CVB-D of different concentrations (3×10 -8,1×10 -7,3×10 -7,1×10 -6,3×10 -6,1×10 -5)mol/L was added into the bath cumulately and AP was recorded every five minutes.

环维黄杨星D(cyclovirobuxine D ,CVB D)是从黄杨科植物小叶黄杨中提取的甾体生物碱,具有良好的抗心律失常、抗心肌缺血和强心作用,临床上广泛用于治疗心律失常、心绞痛和冠心病[1,2 ] 。

Sorghum, sudenese grass and orchard-grass (Dactylis glomerata L.), and the application of MeJA for the flowering synchronization of male sterile and restorer lines was investigated in seed production of hybrid rice.

外源MeJA强烈诱导稻、高粱、苏丹草和果园草等禾本科植物的颖花开放:早稻297的离体穗在经40μmol/L,400μmol/L和4mmol/L的MeJA溶液浸穗 2min处理后80min,在对照颖花开放尚未启动时,平均每穗颖花开放率分别达 7.5%,22.7%和44.5%;杂交稻安湘S-株173的连穗经4mmol/L的MeJA溶液浸穗2min处理后80min,开颖率达32.5%;不育系也能响应MeJA的诱导,经1mmol/L MeJA处理后,80min时开颖率达42.9±6.1%。

The inhibition level by daphnetin for 1, 2, 3 and 4 h were 7%, 51%, 69% and 75% respectively, while the values treated by daphnetin-Fe complex were 8%, 6%, 11% and 9% respectively. The inhibition level by daphnetin at different concentrations (0.1, 1, 100 and 1 mmol/L) for 6 h was 3%, 31%, 58% and 93% respectively and while the values treated by daphnetin-Fe complex were 8%, 6%, 11% and 9%.

经瑞香素(100 μmol/L)作用1、2、3和4 h后RNR活性分别被抑制7%、51%、69%和75%;在瑞香素浓度为0.1、1、100和1 000 μmol/L,作用6 h后,RNR活性分别被抑制3%、31%、58%和93%;而瑞香素-Fe复合物作用6 h后RNR活性分别被抑制8%、6%、11%和9%。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
