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The first part consists of three experiments:(1) The rings were incubated in KH, 20, 50 mmol/L 〓 for 1 house, relaxation in response to the EDHF stimuli A23187 in 30nmol/L U46619-induced preconrtaction in the presence of 7 μ mol/L indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, 300μmol/L LNNA, a nitric oxide biosyhnthesis inhibitor, and 1mmol/L tetraethylammonium , a 〓 blocker, or 3 μmol/L glibenclamide , a 〓 blocker, was compared with the control;(2) After the arteries were incubated in KH, UW solution or HTK solution at 4℃ for 4 hours, endothelium-derived relaxation (percentage of 30nmol/L U46619 precontraction) was induced by A23187 in the present of 7 μmol/L indomethacir and 300μmol/L LNNA;(3) After incubation with KH, UW solution and STH (either at 37℃ in oxygenated organ chamber or at 4℃ in a refrigerator for 4 hours), endothelium-derived relaxation (percentage of 30nmol/L U46619 precontraction) was induced by A23187 in the present of 7 μ mol/L indomethacin and 300 μmol/L LNNA.


The isopiestic molalities and water activities have been determined for the systems Li_2SO_4-H_2O and Li_2B_4O_7-H_2O at 273.15K in the ion strength ranges of 0.6063~ 1.7640 mol · kg~(-1),and 0.1069—0.6478 mol· kg~(-1) respectively and for the systems Li_2SO_4-H_2O, Li_2B_4O_7-H_2O and Li_2SO_4-Li_2B_4O_7-H_2O at 298.15K in the ion strength ranges of 0.3577—5.6378 mol·kg~(-1), 0.1747—2.4497 mol·kg~(-1), 0.2394—5.5399 mol · kg~(-1) respectively by the isopiestic method using an improved equipment.


In the presence of yttrium, lutetium and gadolinium, the fluorescence intensity of the system Eu-SPLX-SDS was enhanced about 5-fold, 5-fold and 4-fold compared with that of the system without yttrium, lutetium and gadolinium.


As to the numbers of culturable heterotrophic bacteria, there was different relationship between them and the environmental parameters in different seasons, and significant positive relationship between them and glucosidase activities.


The effects of the chelator and inhibitors of PKC and PI3-K on fMLP-induced the activation of Akt were also examined.

结果10μmol/L BAPTA-AM和8μmol/L GF109293x均明显地抑制过氧化物产生;50μmol/L SB203580和50μmol/LPD098059分别抑制50%和60%过氧化物生成;0.1μmol/Lwortmannin仅抑制30%过氧化物生成。

High-resolution 〓H-NMR spectra were used to confirm the formation of the ICs, and XPS spectra were used to corroborate the formation of S-Au bonds. The significantly improved"reversible"voltammetric responses and the reproducible surface coverages of (2.4±0.2)×10〓 and (2.2±0.2)×10〓 mol/cm〓 obtained for SAMs of β-CD/C〓VC〓SH and α-CD/C〓VC〓SH, respectively, indicate that the intercalated CD can effectively dilute the surface viologen groups and weaken the intermolecular interaction, giving a wellordered and viologen-containing SAM with a determinate surface coverage.


Once the temperature of the environment exceeds the critical explosion temperature, the delayed-action time will shorten along with the temperature of the environment ascending;(2) The thermal decomposition reactivity activation energy and correlative parameters of the emulsion explosive matrix and corresponding mixture of emulison explosive with combustible oil solvent were obtained by iron-plate experiment, thereinto, the activation energy of the emulsion explosive matrix is 163.3kJ/mol.


Bcl-2 mRNA was detected by RT-PCR in all cells;(2)After normal rat and bile duct-ligated 14d rat hepatocytes were added 100 μmol/L GCDC and kept for 24 hours, cells were evaluated by FCM and TUNEL. Results:(1)Normal rat hepatocytes did not express Bcl-2 by RT-PCR technique. Bcl-2 was expressed in 7-,14-,21- day BDL rats.

分离对照组及实验组14 d组大鼠的肝细胞行原代培养后,使用100 μmol/L甘氨鹅脱氧胆酸钠作用于两组肝细胞24 h后,用FCM法测定肝细胞的凋亡比率,用TUNEL技术进行肝细胞凋亡的原位检测。

The reaction kinetics was studied by selecting control-step method as well as modified Debye-Hückel activity coefficient model and Bromley osmotic coefficient model. The results show that the reaction order is 2 and apparent reaction activation energy 85.8 kJ/mol, and the reaction is mainly controlled by precipitation of KB5O8?4H2O.

采用选取控制步骤法并引入修正的Debye-Hückel活度系数模型和Bromley渗透系数模型研究了该反应的动力学的影响规律,得出反应级数为2,表观反应活化能为85.8 kJ/mol,反应主要受四水五硼酸钾晶体析出的控制。

Electrode potential was in direct proportion to concentration of NO〓〓 in range of 1.0×10〓 and 50×10〓mol/L slope of Nernst response is


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
