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And 50 μmol/L CdCl2 were introduced to the culture solution from the three-leaf stage with treatment duration of 24 days, and no CdCl2 in the culture solution was set as the control.

为了明确镉胁迫对小麦幼苗生理生化指标的影响,选用川35050和山农483两个小麦品种,在水培条件下设置0、30、50 μmol/L 3个处理浓度,研究Cd胁迫下小麦幼苗膜脂过氧化作用、糖氮含量和Cd吸收转运的变化。

Its apparent viscosity energy is at the range of 190~250 kJ/mol when its softening point is at the range of 190~220℃.

当软化点在190~220℃时,PACS的粘流活化能为190~260 kJ/mol。

Result 4 mol/L sodium acetate solution, pH 13.0 and dying for 1 h were the optimal conditions of purification in gel slices.

结果 4 mol/L醋酸钠溶液、pH13.0、作用1 h为切胶纯化的最佳条件。

The end-on benzamidinium tetrazolate is more stable with its interaction energy 3.72 kJ/mol higher than that of the side-on. This means the end-on complexes are dominant.

在气相中,四唑-乙脒和四唑-苄脒复合物的相互作用能末端分别比侧端的大3.56和3.72 kJ/mol,表明末端复合物稍占优势。

Guanine can quench the phthalhydrazidylazoacetylacetone's ECL in acid medium, and the linear concentration range of guanine relative to the ECL intensity is from 2.0×10~(-6) to 1.0×10~(-5) mol/L.The mechanism of phthalhydrazidylazoacetylacetone's ECL on the surface of ITO glass has been discussed according the experimental phenomenon.The phenomenon of ITO self-luminescence has also been studied.It has been found that the machanism of phthalhydrazidylazoacetylacetone on the surface of ITO in different medium is dissimilarity. The phenomenon of ITO self-luminescence may be caused by the interaction of the active oxygen element and ITO's surface.

鸟嘌呤在弱酸性介质中3-(1-乙酰丙酮偶氮)苯二甲酰肼的电化学发光具有显著的淬灭作用,2.0×10~(-6)~1.0×10~(-5) mol/L浓度范围内,电化学发光强度与鸟嘌呤的浓度成良好的线性关系根据相关试验现象对3-(1-乙酰丙酮偶氮)苯二甲酰肼在氧化铟锡玻璃电极上的电化学发光机理进行了初步探讨,并对氧化铟锡玻璃电极自身发光现象进行了研究,研究发现在不同酸度环境中,3-(1-乙酰丙酮偶氮)苯二甲酰肼在氧化铟锡玻璃电极上电化学发光的机理是显著不同的;ITO自身发光可能是由活性氧系分子与ITO镀膜玻璃电极表面相作用引起的。

The results show that the flow stress increases with the increase of the strain rate, and decreases with the increase of the deforming temperature. The saw tooth fluctuation of the flow stress at higher strain rates and lower temperatures indicates the discontinuous dynamic recrystallization. The flow stress of the aluminum alloy during hot compression deformation can be described by using Zener-Hollomon parameter including Arrhenius item, and the deformation activation energy is 176.54 kJ/mol.

研究结果表明:流变应力随应变速率的增大而增大,随变形温度的升高而降低,在高应变速率和较低温度条件下,应力出现据齿波动,呈不连续再结晶特征;该铝合金热压缩变形的流变应力行为可用包含Arrhenius项的Zener-Hollomon参数来描述,其变形激活能为176.54 kJ/mol。

By pretreatment with ruthenium red (RR, 100 1 μmol/L), an antagonist of vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (VR1), the above effects of CAP on carotid baroreflex were abolished.

2用香草酸受体亚型(vanilloid receptor subtype 1, VR1)阻断剂钌红(ruthenium red, 100 μmol/L)预处理后,CAP的上述反射效应即被阻断。

RESULTS: Both HPC and treatment with ruthenium red (5μmol/L) during the first 10 min reoxygenation improved recovery of LVDP±dp/dt and decreased LVEDP, which was associated with reduced infarct size and lactate dyhydrogenase release.


The classic osteoblast-induced system including 0.1μmol/L dexamethasone, 10 mmol/Lβ-glycerophosphate, 50μg/mL Vitamin C was used to induce osteoblastic differentiation of BMSCs. Through the detection of alizarin red staining and quantitative, the ALP activity and the expression of OCN-mRNA, it explored the effect of osteoblastic differentiation of BMSCs on Bushen Therapy, Huatan Therapy, Bushen Huatan Therapy.

使用0.1μmol/L地塞米松,10 mmol/Lβ-甘油磷酸钠,50μg/mL Vitamin C联合诱导BMSCs成骨分化,通过检测茜素红染色及定量、碱性磷酸酶活性和骨钙素mRNA表达,探讨补肾中药、化痰中药和补肾化痰中药对BMSCs成骨分化的影响。

Column: Agilent C18; mobile phase 10mol.l-1 monobasic Acetate buffer, 20 mol·L-1triethylamine solution adjusted to pH5.5 with Acetic acid -acetonitrile ,gradient elution, flow rate: 0.6 mL·min-1; Results:The Traditional Chinese Medicines contained Acarbose, Phenformin and Glibenclamide, and can be separated completely.

色谱柱:Agilent ZORBAX ODS C18柱(5μm,4.6×250mm, Agilent);流动相:醋酸盐缓冲液(10mol·L-1醋酸胺,20 mol·L-1三乙胺,用醋酸调节pH5.5)与乙腈,梯度洗脱,流速:0.6 mL·min-1,色谱检测波长234nm,格列吡嗪为内标物进行定量分析。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
