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与 mol 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods Using orthogonal experimental design L16(4^5, two factorial experiments were designed to explore the influence of four dosage levels of vitamin D30, 10^(-4,10^(-7),10^(-10)mol/L and four different stages (proestrous, estmus, postestrous, dioestrous)of estrous cycle on steroidogenesis in the ovary.

采用正交表L16(4^5)设计实验,研究VD3(10^(-4), 10^(-7), 10^(-10)mol/L在动情周期的4个阶段(动情前期、动情期、动情后期、动情间期)对卵巢切碎组织分泌E2和P4的影响。

By experiment we found that the reaction of aldehydes and nitromethane can proceed smoothly in the presence of a catalytic amount of Disodium Binaphtholate (3 mol %),and obtain a corresponding rate of product up to 100%.

通过筛选,我们发现在催化剂量的联二萘酚双钠盐(3 mol%)存在下,henry反应能够快速的进行,产率高达100%。

Based on the development of homogeneous gold complex catalyst, the polymer immobilized nano-gold catalyst was also prepared and used for oxidative carbonylation of amines or activation of carbon dioxide to carbamates and disubstituted ureas without addition of any co-catalyst and dehydration agents with greatly enhanced catalytic activity (TOF≈3000mol/mol/h).


The results indicated that contrary to treatment with 5 ℃ in dark,illumination with 100 μmol photons·m -2 ·s -1 at 5℃ of leaves or isolated cloroplasts of cucumber and spinach caused dramatical decrease in slow phase intensity of millisec...

结果显示,与 5℃黑暗处理相比,5℃下弱光(1 0 0 μmol photons·m-2· s-1 )分别照射黄瓜和菠菜的叶片和离体叶绿体悬浮液,都使叶绿体毫秒延迟发光慢相强度以及类囊体耦联度显著降低。

Cm^2 of nitromethane electroreduction appeared at -0.89 V and the reaction activation energy was 12.3 kJ/mol.


In this chapter, the influences of different ratio of K~+/(K~++ Na~+)(=14 mol/dm~3) on the direct electrosynthesis solid K_2FeO_4 were also investigated.

在本章中还研究了不同的K~+/(=14 mol/dm~3)比例对直接电化学制备固体高铁酸钾的影响。

Results: the best extracting condition for ellagic acid was to add 8 times amounts of the water solution of 1 mol/l hydrochloric acid, and to reflux for 60 min and extract twice.

结果:鞣花酸的最佳提取工艺为用1 mol/l的盐酸水溶液、8倍量、回流提取60 min、提取2次;结论:溶剂类型对鞣花酸的提取率影响最大,本研究确定的鞣花酸提取工艺合理、可行。

Copper content and accumulation in shoots of both two Elsholtzia species decreased with increasing Zn regardless of Cu supply. However, Zn concentration in E. splendens were increased by Cu supply at low or high Cu level, and in E. argyi Zn contents were also increased by Cu supply at 0.5 and 50μmol L〓.

研究结果表明,50μmolL〓的Cu有利于海州香薷根系的生长,但却明显抑制紫花香薷地上部分的干物质产量,Zn处理浓度直到200μmol L〓也未见两种香薷的干物质产量的下降。

Results demonstrate that the Cu(superscript 2+) can be concentrated effectively under the following condition: exchange column internal diameter 0.8 cm and 15 cm high, the dosage of spiral algae 2 g and pH value 6, the flow rate of the dry food leach solution 10 mL/min, elute with 0.6 mol/L HCl at a flow-rate of 6 mL/min.

结果表明,在交换柱内径为0.8 cm、柱高为15 cm、螺旋藻用量为2 g、pH值6的条件下,干制品浸出液流速为10 mL/min时,用0.6 mol/L HCl以6 mL/min的速度洗脱,可对Cu(上标 2+)进行高效富集。

The results show that this reaction proceeds in two step: 1 silylene and formaldehyde form an intermediate complex, which is a kind of exothermal reaction with no barrier; 2 the intermediate complex isomerizes to sive the product. The barrier for the second step is 51.4kJ·mol^-^1 at MP2/6-31G^*//6-31G^* level (with zero-point energies correction). In view of dynamics and thermodynamics, it is between 300~400K that the reaction will have not only larger spontaneous tendency and equilibrium constant but also quicker reaction rate.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
