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The protonation constants of formylformic acid thiosemicarbazone (A, H2FFTSC) and glycylglycine and stability constants of binary complexes formed they with Mn, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn and trinary complexes of M-FFTSC-GG at 25±0.1℃ and in the presence of 0.1 mol.L-1 KNO3 were determined. The relation between the stability of binary complexes of M-FFTSC and their disinfectivity and disinfection mechanism were discussed.

在25±0.1℃,I=0.1 mol.L-1 KNO3条件下,应用pH法测定了甲酰基甲酸缩氨基硫脲(A配体,缩写H2FFTSC),甘氨酰甘氨酸的质子化常数,它们与锰、钴、镍、铜和锌的二元配合物以及过渡金属-甲酰基甲酸缩氨基硫脲-甘氨酰甘氨酸三元配合物稳定常数,讨论了过渡金属席夫碱配合物的杀菌活性与其稳定性之间的关系,对杀菌机理提出了一些看法。

In the first part, it was investigated the interaction between Pb2+ and La4Ti9O24 ceramic bulk. The result shows that a significant Pb2+ diffusion into La4Ti9O24 ceramic bulk and a significant crystallization of the La2/3TiO3-type phase is clearly observed in the Pb2+ diffusion layer. The reacted zone consists of the La2/3TiO3-type phase exhibits the linear dependence of the square of the thickness, x, on the heat-treated time, t, in excellent agreement with the parabolic law x2 = kt, where k is the growth rate coefficient. The kinetic study thus indicates that the Pb2+/La4Ti9O24 interaction strictly obeys the theory of the reactive diffusion. Furthermore, the experimental k values were used to determine the associated activation energy, Ea, for the formation of La2/3TiO3-type phase using the Arrhenius plot and the following least-square equation, ln =-Ea/RT + A, where T is the annealing temperature, R is the universal gas constant, and A is a constant, resulting in Ea ~ 607 ?b 60 kJ/mol.

首先, 以巨观的方式观察PbO与La4Ti9O24陶瓷体介面的反应现象;利用X-ray绕射分析以及扫描式电子显微镜来观察不同的热处理温度以及不同的持温时间所制作的样品,研究结果发现, Pb2+离子会渗入到La4Ti9O24陶瓷内,同时在Pb2+离子所渗入的区域内会产生新的La2/3TiO3-type钙钛矿斜方晶相;藉由量测不同温度与时间之样品,其因Pb2+离子渗入而产生之La2/3TiO3-type相层厚度之关系,符合反应式扩散机制中 x2 = kt 之关系式(其中 x:扩散层厚度; k:反应速率常数; t:反应时间);进一步将不同实验条件所得到之反应速率常数值代入Arrhenius方程式ln (k =-Ea/RT + A ,其中Ea:活化能; T:绝对温度; R:气体反应常数; A:常数,可以求得Pb2+离子与La4Ti9O24陶瓷发生反应式扩散所需之活化能为607 ± 60 kJ/mol。

The oxidation kinetics of depleted uranium was studied in pure oxygen pressure of 5 kPa at below 100°C by using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The relationship of the thickness of uranium oxide with time is measured. The results indicate that below 100°C in the initial period, the relationship between oxidation layer thickness and time is parabolic. The oxidation mechanism of depleted uranium is discussed and the active energy of depleted uranium at given experimental conditions is 87.165kJ/mol from calculation.


Methods By means of whole-cell patch clamp technique, the epileptiform discharge model of rats hippocampal CA1 neurons was constructed with extracellular perfusion of 0.5 μmol/L veratridine, and the model should be regarded as successfully estabilshed if bursting discharge emerged within 30 min perfusion.


Its K and V were 3.5mg/mL and 5000 μmol/ respectively with the xylan from beachwood as substrate.

以桦木木聚糖为底物,测得该酶的K值和V、分别为3.5mg/mL和5000 μmol/。

Selective α2-AR blocker yohimbine (15 μ mol/L) partly abolished the inhibitory effect of Agm on baroreceptor.

预先灌流α2-AR阻断剂育亨宾(15 μmol/L)可部分阻断Agm的抑制效应。

The intermolecular interaction energy was calculated with basis set superposition error correction and zero point energy correction. The greatest corrected intermolecular interaction energies of the NTO/NH3 and NTO/H2O supermolecules are -37.58 and -30.14 kJ/mol respectively, indicating that the intensity of interaction between NTO and NH3 is stronger than between NTO and H2O.

经基组叠加误差和零点能校正,求得NTO与NH3和H2O的分子间最大相互作用能依次为-37.58和-30.14 kJ/mol,表明NTO与NH3的分子间相互作用强于与H2O的作用。

Under the optimum conditions, the linear range of the method was 0-80 μg/L. The detection limit was 4.58×10^(-7) g /L.The catalytic reaction was the zeroth order one. The apparent activation energy and the reaction rate constant was found to be 96.04 kJ/mol and 3.61×10^(-3)/s, respectively. The sensitivity was increased by 3 times in the presence of surfactant.


75 μmol/L SA solution could increase the heat tolerance of zucchini seedlings by strengthening the activities of antioxidant enzymes.


When the reaction temperatures were 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15, 323.15 and 328.15 K, respectively, the apparent reaction rate constants of abietic acid were 0.0036, 0.0041, 0.0062, 0.0087, 0.011 and 0.0157 min^(-1), respectively. Its reaction activation energy was 50.29 kJ/mol.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
