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- 与 ml. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The hydrogen production potential of rice straw is 76.1mL/g TS, 90.5mL/g VS; corn straw is 90.9mL/g TS, 95.4 mL/g VS; barley straw is 95.2 mL/g TS, 102.9 mL/g VS; wheat straw is 29.7 mL/g TS, 31.1 mL/g VS; horsebean straw is 67.9 mL/g TS, 76.4 mL/g VS; soybean straw is 31.0 mL/g TS, 32.6 mL/g VS; pig dung is 162.4 mL/g TS, 202.7 mL/g VS; cow dung is 40.5 mL/g TS, 51.4 mL/g VS; chicken dung is 42.0 mL/g TS, 63.6 mL/g VS; horse dung is 31.4 mL/g TS, 37.4 mL/g VS.
其中,稻草的产氢潜力为:76.1mL/g·TS,90.5mL/g·VS;玉米秆的产氢潜力为:90.9mL/g·TS,95.4mL/g·VS;大麦秆的产氢潜力为:95.2mL/g·TS,102.9mL/g·VS;小麦秆的产氢潜力为:29.7mL/g·TS,31.1mL/g·VS;蚕豆秆的产氢潜力为:67.9mL/g·TS,76.4mL/g·VS;黄豆秆的产氢潜力为:31.0mL/g·TS,32.6mL/g·VS;猪粪的产氢潜力为:162.4mL/g·TS,202.7mL/g·VS;牛粪的产氢潜力为:40.5mL/g·TS,51.4mL/g·VS;鸡粪的产氢潜力为:42.0 mL/g·TS,63.6 mL/g·VS;马粪的产氢潜力为:31.4mL/g·TS,37.4 mL/g·VS。
Result:Among total of 80 cases with non-visualized kidney in IVP,renal parenchyma of 37 cases were non-visualized under ~(99m)Tc-DTPA renography,GFR was 0 ml/min,32 cases carried out nephrectomy;Renal parenchyma of the rest 43 cases were visualized under ~(99m)Tc-DTPA renography,GFR were(20.03±9.64) ml/L,among them 9 cases were carried out nephrectomy, 34 cases received kidney-sparing operation;The 34 cases(divided into 4 groups according to range of GFR) recheck ~(99m)Tc-DTPA renography 2 months later after the operation,Preoperative GFR within(1~10) ml/min,GFR were(4.25±2.99) ml/min,postoperative GFR were(4.00±2.94) ml/min,t=0.522,P>0.05,indicated no significant change of GFR after the operation; Preoperative GFR within(11~20) ml/min、(21~30) ml/min、(31~40) ml/min groups, preoperative GFR were(15.38±2.63) ml/min、(24.83±2.92) ml/min、(34.25±2.75) ml/min, postoperative GFR were(17.77±3.79) ml/min、(29.42±3.90) ml/min、(40.25±3.50) ml/min respectively,paired t-test,P<0.05,indicated that 2 months\' postoperative GFR increased significantly,the function of kidneys recovered in some degree.
结果:在80例IVP不显影患肾中,37例患肾在~(99m)Tc-DTPAI肾动态显像上肾实质不显影,GFR为0 ml/min,其中32例行患肾切除;43例患肾在~(99m)Tc-DTPA肾动态显像上肾实质显影,GFR为(20.03±9.64)ml/L,其中9例行患肾切除,34例行保留肾手术;34例保留患肾手术者(根据术前GFR在不同值范围分为4组)在术后2个月返院复查~(9m)Tc-DTPA肾动态显像,GFR值在(1~10)ml/min组(5例),术前GFR为(4.25±2.99)ml/min,术后2月GFR为(4.00±2.94)ml/min,t=0.522,P>0.05,表明术后GFR无明显变化;术前GFR在(11~20)ml/min(13例)、(21~30)ml/min(12例)、(31~40)ml/min组(4例),术前GFR分别为(15.38±2.63)ml/min、(24.83±2.92)ml/min、(34.25±2.75)ml/min,术后2月复查GFR分别为(17.77±3.79)ml/min、(29.42±3.90)ml/min、(40.25±3.50)ml/min,经配对t检验,P<0.05,有统计学意义,术后2月GFR较术前增高,肾功能有不同程度的恢复。
It was found that 0.25%o potassium sorbate produced a positive inhibition against short G+ spore bacillus with a concentration less than 5xl04cfu/ml. A concentration less than %o potassium sorbate hardly exerted a complete control towards short G- plump bacillus having a population density of 5x104cfu/ml. It was proved that use of l% potassium sorbute never controlled the growth of G+ coccus, G~ spirilla and enterobacter with a population density of 104cfu/ml. 1mmol EDTA completely controlled the growth of G+ short spore bacillus and G+ coccus whose cell density was 5xl04cfu/ml. A level of lmmol EDTA showed a limited inhibition against the growth of G- spirilla with a population density of 105 cfu/ml. However, a level of 10mmol EDTA completely controlled the growth of the G- spiral bacteria having a population density of 105cfu/ml. lOmmol EDTA produced a very significant control towards the growth of G"" plump short bacillus with 105cfu/ml. 20mmol EDTA showed a remarkable inhibition against the enterobacter with a population density of 105cfu/ml. Different concentrations of nisin including 25mg/mL, 50mg/mL, 75mg/mL and 100mg/mL were used as bio-preservative to examine its effects against the growth of all strains leading to the spoilage of fresh mutton meat. It was seen that there was a big difference in nisin's concentrations in inhibiting the spoiling bacteria. Generally speaking, as more as 75mg/mL of nisin significantly inhibited the growth of G+ short spore bacillus, G-plump short bacillus, enterobacter, G'spiral bacteria and G+ coccus having a population density of 105cfu/ml.
分别运用山梨酸钾、EDTA和Nisin对7种主要引起羊肉腐败的微生物进行了抑菌实验,结果显示,0.25‰以上山梨酸钾能够有效抑制5×10~4 cfu/mL以下的革兰氏阳性短芽孢杆菌的生长;1‰以下的山梨酸钾不能完全抑制5×10~4 cfu/mL革兰氏阴性粗短杆菌的生长,对10~4 cfu/mL革兰氏阳性球菌菌株、革兰氏阴性螺旋菌菌株和肠杆菌菌株抑制效果不太明显。1mmoL EDTA能完全抑制住小于10~5 cfu/mL革兰氏阳性短芽孢杆菌菌株、革兰氏阳性球菌菌株的生长,能明显的抑制10~5 cfu/mL的革兰氏阴性粗短杆菌菌株生长,对10~5 cfu/mL的革兰氏阴性螺旋菌菌株有一定的抑制作用。10mmoL EDTA能完全抑制住10~5 cfu/mL革兰氏阴性螺旋菌菌株的生长;能明显抑制10~5 cfu/mL的革兰氏阴性粗短杆菌菌株的生长,而20 mmoL EDTA能很明显抑制10~5 cfu/mL肠杆菌菌株的生长。25mg/mL、50 mg/mL、75 mg/mL和100 mg/mL的Nisin几乎对所有引起羊肉的腐败菌有抑制作用,但抑制程度不同,抑菌活性有一定的变化。
A pectinase from CXJZ95-198 was purified. Results have made know:(1) The changes of protein content secreted by CXJZ95-198 in the five media glucose mannose xylan mannosan and pectin were 1.28mg/ml, 1.17mg/ml, 0.94mg/ml, 0.75mg/ml and 0.73mg/ml.The pectinase activity was maximum in the mannose (79.39U/ml) with the order of glucose(73.33 U/ml) mannosan(24.25 U/ml) xylan(17.45 U/ml) and pectin(15.98 U/ml).
在本研究条件下,得到如下结论:(1) CXJZ95-198菌株在以葡萄糖作为碳源的培养基中蛋白质含量变化最大,达到了1.28mg/ml,其次依次为甘露糖、木聚糖、魔芋粉和果胶培养基,分别为1.17 mg/ml,0.94 mg/ml,0.75 mg/ml,0.73 mg/ml;在这五种培养基中,以甘露糖培养基中果胶酶活性最高,达到了79.39 U/ml,其次依次为葡萄糖培养基,魔芋粉培养基,木聚糖培养基,最后为果胶培养基,分别为73.33 U/ml,24.25 U/ml,17.45 U/ml,15.98 U/ml。
ResultsThe MIC50 and MBC50 to staphylococcus were 2.75 mg/ml and 5.5 mg/ml;the MIC50 and MBC50 to pneumonia streptococcus were 5.5 mg/ml and 22mg/ml;the MIC50 and MBC50 to flu, proteus, pneumonia bacillus were 11 mg/ml,22 mg/ml and 44 mg/ml;the MIC50 and MBC50 to streptococcus, aeruginous bacillus, catarrh diplococcus, monilia albicans were 22 mg/ml and 44 mg/ml.
结果银黄注射液对金葡菌、表葡菌的 MIC50为2.75 mg/ml,MBC50为5.5 mg/ml;对肺炎链球菌 MIC50为5.5 mg/ml,MBC50为22 mg/ml;对流感、变形、肺炎杆菌的 MIC50为11 mg/ml,MBC50为22 mg/ml及44 mg/ml;对链球菌、绿脓杆菌、卡他双球菌、白色念珠菌的 MIC50为22 mg/ml,MBC50为44 mg/ml。
objective to observe the antitumor activities of different solution extracts of plumbago zeylanica l.in vitro.method mtt method was used to detect the inhibitory effects on four kinds of cancer cells.results chloroform extracts had significant inhibitory effects on the breast cancer cell(bre-04),the nerve cancer cell(n-04) and the lung cancer cell(lu-04),ic50 were 0.2699mg/ml and 0.2634mg/ml,0.4961mg/ml respectively.ic50 of chloroform extract on the hepg2 was 0.9379mg/ml.ic50 of petroleum ether extracts on bre-04,n-04,lu-04 and hepg2 was 0.5902mg/ml,0.5725mg/ml,0.7938mg/ml,0.6374mg/ml;ethyl acetate extracts had fairly inhibitory effects on the lu-04,ic50 was 0.7343mg/ml;n-butanol extracts and water-solubility extracts had notsignificant inhibitory effects on the four kinds of cancer cells.conclusion the antineoplastic effective parts of plumbago zeylanica l.were chloroform and petroleum ether extracts.
目的 探讨白花丹体外抗肿瘤作用的活性部位。方法 mtt染色法对白花丹五种溶剂提取物体外抗肿瘤活性进行了初步的研究。结果氯仿提取物对乳腺癌细胞(bre-04)、神经癌细胞(n-04)、肺癌细胞(lu-04)有较好的抑制生长作用,ic50分别为0.269 9 mg/ml、0.263 4 mg/ml、0.496 1 mg/ml,对肝癌细胞hepg2抑制作用差, ic50为0.937 9 mg/ml;白花丹石油醚提取部位对乳腺癌细胞(bre-04)、神经癌细胞(n-04)、肺癌细胞(lu-04)、肝癌细胞hepg2的ic50分别为0.590 2 mg/ml、0.572 5 mg/ml、0.793 8 mg/ml、0.637 4 mg/ml;乙酸乙酯提取物对肺癌细胞(lu-04)有一定的抑制作用,ic50为0.734 3 mg/ml;水溶性提取物以及正丁醇提取物无明显抑制肿瘤作用。结论白花丹氯仿提取部位、石油醚提取部位体外抗肿瘤作用较好,值得对其提取部位进一步分离纯化并研究其抗肿瘤作用机制。
The effectiveness of antioxidantsas DPPH radical scavengers ranged in thefollowing descending order: Salvia viridis (0.57 mg/mL) Stachys byzantina (0.64 mg/mL) Salvia multicaulis(0.83 mg/mL) Eremostachys laciniata (5.18 mg/mL) gallic acid (40.0 mg/mL) grape seed (66.6 mg/mL) quercetin (85.0 mg/mL) ascorbic acid (125.8 mg/mL) BHT (194.9 mg/mL).
其抗氧化剂的效力如同DPPH自由基的清除能力一样按降幂次序排列在下面:丹参贻贝( 0.57毫克/毫升)绵羊水苏( 0.64毫克/毫升)长梗黄花稔( 0.83毫克/毫升)沙穗( 5.18毫克/毫升)五倍子酸( 40.0毫克/毫升)葡萄种子( 66.6毫克/毫升)檞皮黄酮( 85.0毫克/毫升)抗坏血酸( 125.8毫克/毫升) BHT ( 194.9毫克/毫升)。
Results l.Serum concentrations of VCAM-1 in PIH (93.39 + 57.3)ug/ml were higher than that in normal pregnant group. Serum concentrations of VCAM-1 in moderate(97.89 + 34.07)ug/ml and severe PIH(132.24 + 60.97)ug/ml were significantly higher than that in normal group.(P.05, P.01). There was no difference between serum levels of VCAM-1 mild PIH and normal pregnant group. 2.Serum levels of IL-6 in PIH group(102.17 ?48. 31)pg/ml were significantly higher than that in normal group(49.16 + 12.9)pg/ml.Serum levels of IL-6 in moderate(95.79+31.19)pg/ml and severe PIH( 127.27+11.3 8)pg,ml were significantly higher than that in normal group. There was no difference between serum levels of PIH in mild PIH (52.13 + 12.90)pg/ml and normal pregnant group. 3. In PIH group, serum concentrations of VCAM-1 correlate with the levels of IL-6,r=0.63. 4.The expression of VCAM-1 in cytotrophoblast of spiral arteries in normal pregnant group(100%) were significantly higher than that in PIH group.Theexpression of VCAM-1 in moderate PIH(37.50%) and sever PIH were lower than that in normal group.There was no difference between the mild PIH and normal group.Conclusions The increased levels of serum of VCAM-1 may participate in the process of vascular endothelium damages in PIH.
结果 1、妊高征组血清VCAM-1浓度为(93.39±57.3)μg/ml明显高于正常妊娠组(44.87±15.60)μg/ml,差别有显著性(P<0.05);中、重度妊高征组VCAM-1浓度分别为(97.89±34.07)μg/ml和(132.24±60.97)μg/ml,与正常妊娠组比较,差异有显著性(p<0.05)和非常显著性(P<0.01);轻度妊高征组VCAH-1为(48.46±15.60)μg/ml与正常妊娠组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。2、妊高征组血清IL-6含量为(102.17±48.31)pg/ml,明显高于正常妊娠组(49.16+12.9)pg/ml,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01);中、重度妊高征组IL-6含量分别(95.79±31.19)pg/ml和(127.27±11.38)pg/ml,与正常妊娠组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05)和非常显著性(P<0.01);轻度妊高征组IL-6含量为(52.13±12.90)pg/ml与正常妊娠组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。3、VCAM-1与IL-6水平呈明显正相关,r=0.63(P<0.01)。4、子宫胎盘床螺旋动脉滋养细胞VCAM-1表达,正常妊娠组都存在阳性表达(阳性表达率100%),妊高征组有10例阳性表达阳性表达率为叩们,差别有非常显著性河<0.01L 中、重度妊高征组阳性表达率分别为37、50%和0,与正常妊娠组比较,差别有显著性河<0.05)和非常显著性汀<0.01太轻度妊高征组阳性表达率为83.33凡与正常妊娠组差别无显著性问>0.05)。
Results There were statistical significances between Group A and B on the incidence rate of the chylothorax after operation(A:1/45;B:9/92,P=0.03), thoracic drainage within 48 h(the first 24 h:A:254.33 ml��45.15 ml,B:493.61 ml��76.67 ml;the second 24 h:A:141.11 ml��25.53 ml,B:323.39 ml��58.17 ml;P<0.05),the decannulation rate within 3 days (A:94.78%;B:62.21%,P=0.001),complication(A:3/45; B:0/92, P=0.034) and cancer metastasis of supraclavicular lymph nodes (A:0/45;B:9/92,P=0.03) by follow-up.
结果 两组患者在术后乳糜胸发生率(A:1/45;B:9/92,P=0.03)、术后48 h胸腔引流量〔第1个24 h:A:(254.33±45.15)ml,B:(493.61±76.67)ml;第2个24 h:A:(141.11±25.53)ml,B:(323.39±58.17)ml;P<0.05〕、3天内拨管率(A:94.78%;B:62.21%,P=0.001)、并发症(A:3/45,B:0/92,P=0.034)以及随访锁骨上淋巴结转移(A:0/45,B:9/92,P=0.03)等方面有统计学意义。
BMSCs were isolated, depurated, cultivanted, and identified,then incubated with the concentration of 25μg Fe per milliliter at 37℃in 5% CO2. The labeled cells were stained by Prussian blue/trypan blue,and observed under fluorescent microscope.2. The labeled cells of different density (1×104/ml,5×104/ml,1×105/ml,5×105/ml,1×106 /ml,5×106/ml)were imaged by MRI with T1WI, T2WI and T2*WI sequences;and the same density (5×104/ml,1×105/ml)labeled cells were imaged by T2*WI sequences at different time.Then the signal intensities were measured and statistically analyzed.3. The model of rabbit renal ischemia-reperfusion injury was set up and treated. Then BMSCs(5×105)were injected into 16 recipient rabbits(1abeled cells in 10,unlabeled cells in 6)from ear vein.MR images of kidneys were obtained respectively at the time points of 0,1,3,5, 8 days after transplantation and before transplantation. MR imaging findings were analyzed,which were correlated with histological findings.
实验方法1分离、纯化、培养、鉴定兔BMSCs并以SPIO以25μg Fe/ml培养液浓度标记,对标记后不同时间的细胞行普鲁士蓝染色和台盼蓝拒染后显微镜观察。2将不同细胞浓度标记细胞管(1×104/ml、5×104/ml、1×105/ml、5×105/ml、1×106/ml、5×106/ml),以不同扫描序列T1WI,T2WI,T2*WI(GRE进行MR成像,再选择相同细胞浓度组(5×104/ml、1×105/ml)进行不同时相MR成像,并测量信号强度,进行统计学分析。3缺血再灌注肾损伤模型建立和处理,然后将标记和未标记细胞(5×105个)经耳缘静脉移植入家兔体内(共16只:注入标记细胞者10只,注入未标记细胞者6只),两组均于注射前、注射后第0、1、3、5、8天应用MRI对移植细胞进行活体示踪并与肾脏组织切片对照,然后对收集的信号强度进行统计学分析。
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You can buy sweetened beverages, if that suits you.
As many of you are probably aware, Nick and Vanessa were recently faced with an embarrasing sex scandal after naked pictures of the two getting jiggy with it in a hot tub surfaced the net.
正如很多你可能知道,尼克和 Vanessa 最近面临一个尴尬的绯闻事件后,赤裸裸的图片两个越来越jiggy与它在浴缸中的一个热点浮现净。
The difference. But you don抰 use diagonals when photographing do you.