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与 mistiness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Historical logic rationality would unify that two in order to search logical confirmatory and standardization from historical development, and remove mysticism, mistiness and relativism.


He character of TFOWA operator lies in fully use of uncertainty of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, so it can reflect the complexity of real world and mistiness of human thought and make the decision making accord with the fact.


Second, taking risk taste coefficient into the model solve the problem of without risk taste in model. Third, it builds up a new model based on the thought of GA and mistiness mathematics as the fit function in GA.


The mistiness and vagueness of the definition of commercial transactions contribute much to the difficulty in distinguishing commercial acts from non-commercial acts.


Detail searching provides to the user OS, the advice, the bug level mistiness searching.


Through this low-lit mistiness Tess walked leisurely along.


When using the threshold method to remove the noise, the useful information in the detail abundant areas would be thrown off, and the edge appears mistiness.

摘 要:在图像降噪中,小波阈值法可以有效的降低图像的噪声,但是图像中存在平坦区域和细节丰富的区域,对细节丰富的区域用阈值方法消噪时,会去除掉有用的信息,出现边缘模糊等现象。

We saw a group of very beautiful blue white stars, and many more than you can see with the naked eye, the slight mistiness representing the remains of clouds of gas from which they formed.


The word has great mistiness and vagueness and contains many numerous, jumbled and contrary meaning. Actually, it almost likes a curse without real theory power to analyze.


The liver is composed of countless hepatic lobules and the borderline of hepatic lobules is mistiness.


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The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
