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与 milliliter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can estimate so: A cup of water makes an appointment with 250 milliliter, water of one side basin makes an appointment with 5000 milliliter, a pail of water makes an appointment with 10000 milliliter, one cuspidor water makes an appointment with 2000-3000 milliliter, one spoon disinfectant is equivalent to powder of 10 grams solid or 10 milliliter liquid about, if need to make up 10 thousand milliliter 0.5% second crossing oxygen are acerbity, 5 spoon can be joined to cross former fluid of oxygen second acid in 1 pail of water and into.


Ealuation of the exclusie use of calcium or itamin D3 showed no antifracture efficacy for patients receiing 800 IU of itamin D3 per day.44 Howeer, the mean concentration of 25-hydroxyitamin D increased from 15.2 ng per milliliter to just 24.8 ng per milliliter (37.9 to 61.9 nmol per liter), which was below the threshold thought to proide antifracture efficacy.8 Porthouse and colleagues,45 who ealuated the effect of 800 IU of itamin D3 per day on fracture preention, did not report concentrations of 25-hydroxyitamin D.


The researchers found that a blood serum vitamin D level of 33 nanograms per milliliter or higher was associated with a 50 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer than that seen with blood levels of 12 nanograms per milliliter or lower.

研究人员发现,血液血清中维生素d水平的33纳克每毫升或更高,是与一个50 %的风险降低结肠直肠癌的可能性要比见到的那种与血压水平的12纳克每毫升或更低。

Vitamin D insufficiency is frequently defined as less than 30 nanograms per milliliter of blood of the 25-hydroxy form the major storage form - 25(OHD of the vitamin and deficiency as less than 20 nanograms per milliliter of 25-hydroxyvitamin D .

维生素D不足往往是界定为不超过30毫微克每毫升血液中的25羟基形式(主要的存储形式-2 5 d )项和缺乏维生素的不到2 0毫微克每毫升2 5羟基维他命

For the diagnosis of bacteriuria in symptomatic patients, decreasing the colony count to 1000 to 10,000 bacteria per milliliter will improve sensitivity without significantly reducing specificity.


One hundred milliliter of sample was introduced into a 2 50-ml beaker at room temperature(25C).


Above all the gong silk that connects advanced vibrating absorber complete discharge, before was being taken brace up implement, the upper part of vibrating absorber has a gong silk strip inside a bedspring returns those who have about 140 milliliter to decrease brace up oily.


Cannikin yoghurt (125 milliliter) drink two cups.


It is the amount of energy that is required to raise one milliliter of water by one degree Celsius.


RESULTS The average bacteriacolony forming unit per milliliter in dialysis fluid from the dialyzer inlet , outlet and reverse osmosis was 486 CFU/ ml ,490 CFU/ ml and 103 CFU/ ml , respectively. The common isolated bacteria were Bacillus subtilis , diphtheroid bacilliand some Gram2negative bacilli.

结果 透析器入口处透析液的平均菌落数为486 CFU/ ml ,透析器出口处透析液的平均菌落数为490 CFU/ ml ,反渗水的平均菌落数为103 CFU/ ml ,常见细菌为枯草杆菌、类白喉杆菌及某些革兰阴性杆菌。

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