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Results The eyes shown the edema of retina, decrease of ganglion cells, exudation of neuroglia cells, infiltration of vitreous and formation of proliferatiive membrane were milder notably in the hirutin group than in control group.

结果 在视网膜水肿,神经节细胞减少,神经胶质细胞增生,玻璃体腔内渗出和增殖膜形成方面,与对照组相比水蛭素组的病变程度明显较轻。

. Histological tissue damage was milder in the Nigella sativa treatment group than that in the control group.


So people who need an effective but milder nonprescription medication for the relief of excess stomach acid should choose Acid-Ease.


Paratyphoid fever, an infection similar to typhoid but usually milder, is caused by Salmonella enteritidis paratyphi A, B or C.

副伤寒,感染类似伤寒,但通常较温和的,是所造成的肠炎沙门氏菌paratyphi A , B或C。

Friendship is the same as the smell of potpourri, the milder, the more attractive and the even longer it lasts.


Some convergence results of the gradient projection method under milder conditions are obtained.


In louse-borne relapsing fever there is usually only one relapse, but in the tick-borne disease there may be several recurrences, each being shorter and milder than the previous one.


Rheumatic fever occurring today is also usually a much milder disease than it was 60 years ago.


If you prefer something milder, there is rice wine here.


Italy was torn asunder by the dispute about Rigorism and a milder practice; in France, Rigorism had received the full rights of citizenship through the Jansenistic movement and held its own till late in the nineteenth century; Germany was swayed by a spirit of shallowness which threatened to dislodge Christian morals by rationalistic and natural principles.

意大利是四分五裂的争议Rigorism和温和的做法;在法国, Rigorism收到了充分的公民权利通过Jansenistic运动和举办自己的直至深夜在十九世纪,德国是动摇的精神肤浅威胁赶走基督教道德的理性和自然的原则。

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And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot and was of the number of the twelve.

22:3 这时,撒但进了那称为加略人的犹大里面,他本是十二数中的一个。

Teachers to consciously reflect on the study of theory and practice, constantly adjust and perfect their knowledge structure, in understanding the future of education, and social life on the basis of a correct conception of modern education bioethics.


But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology .
