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The antioxidative action may involve trapping the initiating radicals generated by AAPH in the bulk phase, inhibiting the propagating lipid peroxyl radicals on the surface of micelles and regeneratingα-tocopherol by reducing theα-tocopheroxyl radical.


Cheese in storage for the relationships between physicochemistry, rheology andmicrostructure Reasearching for physicochemistry, microstructure and rheology of cheeses showed: as aresult of the casein hydrolysis and broken casein gel network structure, there decomposed smallermaterial. Moreover, hydrophobic amino acid residue on protein surface increased, hydrophobicinteraction enhanced, which lead to a closer connection with casein micelles.


The experiment shows that the reverse micelles of DAA, DAP and DAB are able to solubilize up to respective 4.3, 9.4, and 13.5 molecules of water per surfactant molecule respectively.

实验表明, DAA, DAP和DAB的反胶束对水的饱和增溶能力,分别相当于每一个表面活性分子增溶4.2, 9.4和13.5个水分子。

The reason is probably that the aggregates with low aggregation number start to form at~I, which are not capable to solubilize water. Water solubilization starts only when the aggregation number of reverse micelles is high enough, which occur at~W, the concentration is much higher than~I.


Reverse micelles system was formed by sulphosuccinic acid his (2-ethylhexyl) ester sodium salt isooctane and KCl buffer solution.


Contrasted with the activity of the same reaction in oil-water double phased system, the hydrolyzing behavior of Camlicla Lipolytica Lipase in reversed micellar systems is much like that in oil-water double phased system. The stability and catalyzing activity are both enhanced and give rise to "superactivity". except in reverse micelles composed of cationic surfactant.


The micelle shape transformation of tert-octylpheny phenol polyethylene glycol ether (TX-100), sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate and tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide in heavy water solutions was studied by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, including an NMR self-diffusion experiment. These experiments showed that the surfactants formed several shapes of micelles (spherical, ellipsoidal, and rodlike) at the respective concentrations which were far above their critical micelle concentration.


Then we studied the double phase transition behavior of three-layer nanostructures with double thermoresponsive shells. Successive RAFT polymerization of NIPAM and 2-ethyl methacrylate or DMA and NIPAM were conducted using PS macroRAFT agent. The PS-b-PNIPAM-b-PDMA and PS-b-PDMA-b- PNIPAM triblock copolymers can self-assemble into PS-core micelles, which possess a three layer \'onion-like\' structure, with PDMA and PNIPAM blocks forming the inner layers or outer coronas.


There were two kinds of pores in the materials which were proved to be packed ordering and disordering respectively. The former was formed by the templating function of surfactant micelles and the latter was considered to be the inter-particle pore that formed by the aggregation of colloid particles during the sol-gel process.


In SDS-CaCl_2 system, the adsorption of Ca~(2+) ions on micellar surface can not result in the charge neutralization and there is no hydroxide group bridging effect in this system, so the surfaetant can not be flocculated in form of micelles.


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Those who loved reading were obliged to send for their books from England; the members of the junto had each a few


Three fourths of the earth's surface is covered with water.


When they did, it was Jonathan and his armor-bearer who were not there.
