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与 mice 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For confirmation of this ancient legend and found out the sexual improvement compounds the testosterone and NO in serum of mice were measured,the weight of sexual organs of mices was detected and the sex behaviour of mice was observed.The testosterone and NO concentration in serum of mice as indicator for screening some improving sexual compounds from Chinese chives was builted.1、The preliminary experiment of Chinese chives confirm sexual improvement functionThe sexual improvement function experiments of Chinese chives comparing with herba epimedii,herba cynomorii and radices morindae which were acknowledged as chinese herbals having sexual improvement function were carried out.The result was showed that the Chinese chives was confirmed having sexual improvement function,though its efficacy was less than herba epimedii,herba cynomorii and radices morindae.


Results:All dosage groups of Tou-Yu-Tong Pills could release chronic nerve injury caused by formaldehyde solution; remarkedly inhibit the pain of mice in the formalin test and prolong the latencies of paw-licking. It could significantly diminish pain caused by glacial acetic acid ,reduce the number of the writhing in mice.To the model of migraine ,Tou-Yu-Tong Pills can improve the content of 5-HT in brain tissue of mice ,and ruduce 5-HTAA.

结果 头愈痛丸对福尔马林致小鼠慢性神经性疼痛反应,能明显减少动物舔后足的时间,改善其伤害性疼痛行为反应;对冰醋酸致小鼠扭体反应,能显著延长扭体的潜伏期,减少扭体反应的次数;对小鼠偏头痛模型,能显著升高小鼠脑内5-HT的含量,且降低5-HIAA的趋势。

METHODS: Human amnion membrane derived mesenchymal stem cells were sterilely isolated and cultured. The third passages of cells (1×109/L)(0.5 mL) were transplanted by tail venous pathway to mice. Mice in the control group were injected with an equal volume of saline, whereas mice in the normal group were left intact.

无菌条件下体外分离培养人羊膜间充质干细胞,传至第3代将细胞浓度调整为1×109 L-1,经尾静脉注入0.5 mL至细胞移植组小鼠体内;对照组经尾静脉注入同体积的生理盐水;正常组小鼠不给予任何干预措施。

ResultsESC(the extract of Solidago canadensis L.) markedly prolonged the writhing latent period and decreased the times of writhing of mice induced by ip acetic acid, while it had no obvious effect on the pain threshold value in hot plate test. ESC significantly prolonged the tussive latent period of mice, decreased the tussive times and increased phenolsulfonphthalein excretion quantity of trachea of mice. ESC was nontoxic according to the acute toxicity test.


objective to investigate the existence of the erythropoiesis inhibitors.methods the present study included twelve undialyzed esrd patients with anemia.the sera from the uremic patients were added to cfu-e and bfu-e culture in the concentrations ranging from 1.25% to 5%.in vitro cfu-e and bfu-e growth in the presence of sera from esrd patients was compared with in the presence normal human subjects with the use of normal mice bone marrows.results the effects of the sera from uremic patients on cfu-e and bfu-e colony growth in concentrations ranging from 1.25% to 5% were investigated to be dose-dependent.the effect increased with the concentrations increasing of the sera(p<0.05).there were not significant inhibitory effect on the cfu-e and bfu-e growth of mice bone marrow in vitro from sera of the normal subjects.conclusion the erythropoiesis inhibitors exist in uremic sera which has a dose-dependent inhibitive effects on the growth cfu-e and bfu-e of normal mice bone marrow cells.


T739 mice were inoculated with LA795 cells. Angiostatin was given to part of inoculated and uninoculated mice by intraperitoneal injection fourteen days after the inoculation. The treatment lasted 20 days and the size of tumor, survival period, behavior of the mice and pathology of lungs, livers and kidneys were observed.

用亲和层析方法得到的血浆纤维溶酶原经胰蛋白酶消化、层析柱亲和层析、透析,得到纯化的血管抑素;以LA795细胞接种于T739小鼠;接种后第15日起腹腔内注射血管抑素共20 d,观察动物行为,测量荷瘤鼠肿块直径,记录生存期,另设未治疗对照组及观察血管抑素副作用对照组,行肺、肝、肾脏病理学检查。

Methods Affinity chromatography purified plasminogen was digested by pancreatic elastase and angiostatin was obtained by purifying the digestion with affinity chromatography and dialysis. T739 mice were inoculated with LA795 cells. Angiostatin was given to part of inoculated and uninoculated mice by intraperitoneal injection fourteen days after the inoculation. The treatment lasted 20 days and the size of tumor, survival period, behavior of the mice and pathology of lungs, livers and kidneys were observed.

用亲和层析方法得到的血浆纤维溶酶原经胰蛋白酶消化、层析柱亲和层析、透析,得到纯化的血管抑素;以LA795细胞接种于T739小鼠;接种后第15日起腹腔内注射血管抑素共20 d,观察动物行为,测量荷瘤鼠肿块直径,记录生存期,另设未治疗对照组及观察血管抑素副作用对照组,行肺、肝、肾脏病理学检查。

Methods With the model of aging mice induced by D-gal, the learning memory ability of mice was measured by using Y-maze, the contents of SOD and MDA in the cerebrums were determined by xanthine oxidation or TBA colorimetry ,the variations of above indices of mice after treatment with NGD were observed.

建立 D-半乳糖致小鼠衰老模型,以 Y型电迷宫检测其学习记忆能力,分别采用黄嘌呤氧化酶法、TBA比色法测定大脑 SOD活性和 MDA含量,观察小鼠服用神经生长液后上述指标的变化。

First experiment, the effects of PCP on social behavior of mice at different dose and administration time: 60 DDY male mice of 6 months old were randomly divided into 5 groups after 2-week feeding with 12 mice in each group and fed in two separate coops.


MATERIALS AND METHODS: After the male and female ICR mice copulated, the presence of vaginal plug the following morning was considered as gestational day 0 (GD0). At GD9, GD10, GD11 and GD12, the pregnant mice in the treatment group were treated with 80 mg/kg all-trans-retinoic acid, and those of the control group received the same volume of soybean oil. At GD18, pregnant mice were killed and the embryos were harvested. The abnormalities of the embryos in the treatment group were studied.

材料与方法: ICR小鼠合笼后,查到阴栓当天为孕期第0天(GD0),孕鼠共50只,随机分为GD9、GD10、GD11、GD12给全反式视黄酸(all-trans-retinoic acid,atRA)实验组和对照组,共5组,每组10只,实验组经口灌胃1次给予孕鼠80 mg/kg atRA,对照组则给予等体积的大豆油,于GD18将孕鼠处死并取出胎鼠,观察不同时间给予孕鼠atRA的胎鼠的短肢畸形情况。

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Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)
Of Mice And Men
Thank You For Talkin' To Me Africa
When The Cats Away
Blind Mice
You Know That Ain't Them Dogs' Real Voices
Puss 'N Boots
Keep Up
We Are Mice
Mice & Gods

According to my definition, the Manchurian Candidate is an experimentally created dissociative identity disorder that meets the following four criteria


I'd be chuffed to play at a World Cup, but I have many years ahead of me in the game so I hope to have more opportunities.


I see her before, when it is time to study up on.
