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Judge clouds' effect on solar radiation by satellite cloud map gray scale values, therefore establish and confirm the relationship between them. Roughly acquire optical depth of clear sky and clouds from radiation station data and routine meteorological data of land surface, and the study the relationship between clouds' physical character and radiation....
The correlation coefficients of 12 of the 35 meteorological factors with wheat yield were significant at the 0.05 level. The precipitation during filling stage and winter wheat yield was significantly corelated, and the direct path coefficient was the highest, and it contributed the most to wheat yield, followed by the precipitation of elongating stage and turning green period. The evapotranspiration in April and May negatively correlated significantly with winter wheat yield at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.
Using analysis of correlation between meteorological output index of cotton and factor series of 9 types of cumulative temperature formed by continuously temperature limits at the interval of 0.1℃ in Akesu cotton area, several conclusion obtained are as follows:(1)The correlation with temperature sum of daily maximum temperature is the best, cumulative temperature of daily mean temperature is better, and temperature sum of daily minimum temperature is the worst.
通过阿克苏棉区棉花产量指数与以 0 。1℃为间隔的连续变动温度界限值所形成的 9种积温的因子序列的相关性分析,得到以下几点结论:(1 )相关性以日最高温度的温度和为最好,日平均温度积温次之,日最低温度的温度和最差。
HBACIS can be used to maintain the climate data, the crop parameters, the index of meteorological disasters and the information about the crop yield.
Computer Division, National Meteorological Information Center , Beijing 100081
The following are the results: 1. An abstract meteorological phase parallel model for numerical weather prediction is developed as follows:〓 In this equation, parallel wall clock time related with computing grid numbers, load imbalance, communication and synchronization overhead is given out. It can be used to design and analysis the parallel algorithm.
该研究工作的主要结果如下: 1 发展提出了一个适用于气象数值预报模式的阶段并行模型MPPM:〓它表明了并行计算时间与数值模式的计算格点量、负载平衡因子、通信开销、同步开销及并行开销等之间的关系,为设计和分析数值预报模式的并行算法提供了理论依据。
For understanding the workability and precision of these prediction equations, at first this study not only simulates the MHs of Taipei, Taichung, Kaoshung cities and Kao-ping area but also compares these results with meteorological models of CLAMET and TPAQM. And the comparisons show the high correlation (up to 0.8) between them. When the results of MH prediction equations model are compared with TPAQM, they get higher or lower values than TPAQM. The reasons are that Holzworth method can not concern about the warm and cold advections effect and the upper air data used do not get enough finer space-spread. About the results spread on the domain of my model, they show more different MH fields between the land and the sea around and get more sharply change of the land MHs on daytime than TPAQM.
为了解此预测式之可行性及准确度,本研究针对台北、台中、高雄及高屏地区作混合层高度值的模拟,并将模拟结果与实际观测值、CALMET气象模组及光化学轨迹模式输出结果作比对,结果显示均有0.80以上之高相关性;但与TPAQM计算结果间有明显的高估或低估现象,此为Holzworth method无法考量温度平流效应对混合层发展之影响及探空资料空间解析度不足所致;而在空间分布上,本模式所计算的混合层高度场相较於TPAQM在海陆分布上有较明显的分野,且更能够显示出内陆地区混合层高度的日变化。
The results indicate that the effects of meteorological conditions on aerosols (0.2-0.6 μm) are significant.
结果表明:气象因素对0.2—0.6 μm的气溶胶影响最大。
Beijing is frantically searching for a magic formula, a meteorological deus ex machina, to clear its skies for the 2008 Olympics.
For meeting the needs of automated real-time dynamic monitoring of heavy fog events by means of a weather satellite remote-sensing technique for specialized meteorological services like military operations and highway traffic, the paper presents a systematic study of spectral characteristics of visible and infra red light, the textures and dynamic dispersals of fogs on satellite imagery in the context of theory on the transmission of atmospheric radiation, thereby revealing their abruptness, waviness and mass-like features, which, in combination with a synthetic technique for cloud/fog maps of multi-channel remote-sensing spectra are used to set up a model for automatic separation of fogs from clouds based on the integrative application of spectral features and texture structures, for which are constructed corresponding discfiminant functions and criteria, and on this basis prepared is a"system for remotely-sensing monitoring of low cloud and heavy fog"which has been used for tests, with the main conclusions shown as follows.
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This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.
He gained a small fortune in real estate.
Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.