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metastatic tumor相关的网络例句

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与 metastatic tumor 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHODS摘要: Fourteen patients proved pathologically as brain abscess and 17 cystic/necrotic metastatic tumor underwent conventional MRI and DWI examinations. DWI signal and ADC value were evaluated in cerebritis stage, capsule formation stage, and evolution stage of brain abscess and compared with those of cystic/necrotic metastatic tumor. Chisquared test and t test were performed for statistic analysis.


METHODS: Fourteen patients proved pathologically as brain abscess and 17 cystic/necrotic metastatic tumor underwent conventional MRI and DWI examinations. DWI signal and ADC value were evaluated in cerebritis stage, capsule formation stage, and evolution stage of brain abscess and compared with those of cystic/necrotic metastatic tumor. Chisquared test and t test were performed for statistic analysis.


METHODS: Fourteen patients proved pathologically as brain abscess and 17 cystic/necrotic metastatic tumor underwent conventional MRI and DWI examinations. DWI signal and ADC value were evaluated in cerebritis stage, capsule formation stage, and evolution stage of brain abscess and compared with those of cystic/necrotic metastatic tumor.


Seen over the surface of the epicardium are pale white-tan nodules of metastatic tumor.


Objective To investigate the value and complications of selective intra-arterial chemotherapy for Brain metastatic tumor.

目的 探讨脑转移瘤经动脉灌注化疗的应用价值及并发症的处理。

Results Postoperative pathological diagnosis showed 13 ependymomas, 2 astrocytomas, 2 oligodendroglioma, 2 lipoma, 1 myeloma, 1 keratose, 1 metastatic tumor, 1 angeioma, and 1 neurinoma.24 cases were treated by surgeon.

结果 病理证实室管膜瘤13例,星形细胞瘤2例,少枝胶质细胞瘤2例,脂肪瘤2例,骨髓瘤、转移瘤、血管瘤、角化物、神经鞘瘤各1例。24例行手术治疗。

Neuroglia, the basic integrant of blood-brain-barrier is defective in brain metastatic tumor tissue, thus there is no blood-brain-barrier existing in brain metastatic tumor lesions.


The time of cornea diabrosis, metastases into cervical lymph nodes and lung, survival time and ratio of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood were observed.RESULTS: The time of cornea diabrosis in GTVC group or GTV group was later than that in PBS group, but no statistical difference between GTVC group and GTV group. Metastatic incidence in cervical lymph nodes of GTVC group mice or GTV group mice was lower than that in PBS group 18 days after the model had been established. There was no statistical difference in metastatic incidence between GTV group and GTVC group.

将荷瘤模型鼠分为磷酸盐缓冲液(phosphatebuffered saline,PBS)治疗组,IL12基因修饰肿瘤细胞疫苗(gene modified tumor cell vaccine, GTV)治疗组及GTV 联合CpGODN治疗组;鼠荷瘤模型建立后的第3d及第10d分别在各组鼠结膜下注射30μL PBS,30μL(3.0×106个细胞)灭活的GTV及含20μg CpGODN灭活的GTV,进行角膜溃破时间、淋巴结和肺部转移瘤发生率、生存时间及外周血CD4+和CD8+T细胞比例的观测。

Classification by histogenesis:(1) Primary tumor 6 679 cases: epitheliogenic 2 481 cases (37.15%), mesenchymal 753 cases (11.27%), lympho-hematopoietic 102 cases (1.53%), neurogenic 1 542 cases (23.09%), congenital abnormal embryogenetic 1 767 cases (26.46%), uncertain resource tumor 34 cases (0.50%).(2) Secondary tumor 13 cases;(3) Metastatic tumor 9 cases;(4) Non-tumor lesion 1 972 cases.

按组织发生学分类:(1)原发性肿瘤6 679例(77.01%),其中上皮组织肿瘤2 481例(37.15%),间叶组织肿瘤753例(11.27%),淋巴造血组织肿瘤102例(1.53%),神经组织肿瘤1 542例23.09%),先天胚胎发育异常肿瘤1 767例(26.46%),不明来源肿瘤34例(0.50%);(2)继发性肿瘤13例(0.15%;(3)转移性肿瘤9例(0.10%);(4)非肿瘤性病变1 972例(22.74%)。

Results 5 cases of ependymocytoma, 3 cases of astrocytoma, 1 medulloblastoma hemangioblastoma in 10 cases of intra-medullary tumor; 36 cases of neurogenic tumor, 11 cases of spinal meningioma in 47 cases of subdural extramedullary tumor; 2 cases of neurogenic tumor strided over scleromeninx;2 cases of extradural metastatic tumor, 1 cestodiasis, 2 cases of epidural hematoma, which were mistaken for hemangioma before surgical operation and 1 vascular malformation in 4 cases of intraspinal nontumorous occupying lesion.


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St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


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