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As a supplement of conventional CT, CT perfusion imaging can reveal the perfusion informations of tissue or organs, such as hemodynamics, microcirculation status. It is helpful not only in finding morphologic changes, but also in providing functional and metabolizable information about the circulation parameters of hepatic diseases. So, it is valid for studying liver disorders by providing functional information, especial for the differential diagnosis and assessment for therapeutic response.


Burroughs W%Nelson D K%Mertens D R Protein physiology and its application in the lactating cow:The metabolizable protein feeding standard Journal of Animal Science , 1975,null

陈喜斌 不同氮源日粮在瘤胃发酵和消化规律的研究北京:北京农业大学, 1994,null

For the higher protein digestibility of the diet or feed per ton,in the full price feed LFH-901 add the amount of 100 grams ,metabolizable energy were reduced by 2/3/3%: On the premise of ensuring essential amino acids, the dietary protein can be lowered 1.5-2%.


Form、structure、characterization and function of prokaryotic、eukaryotic and molecular organisms;②nutrition and cultivation techniques of microorganisms;③physiological and metabolizable production of microorganisms;③theory of genetic variation and microbic breeding technique of microorganisms;⑤ecology and environmental protection of microorganisms;⑥Infection、 Immunity and biologics of microorganisms;⑦classification and identification of microorganisms and the international Code of Nomenclature of microorganisms.and microbial high-techs developing on these as the fundament of life sciences.


Apparent metabolizable energy bioassay with 240 Avian broilers and 24 adult Hylan cockerels was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of nonstarch polysaccharidase in wheat-corn based diets for broilers.

以 2 4 0只艾维茵肉仔鸡和 2 4只海兰褐成年蛋公鸡为试验动物,通过代谢试验研究非淀粉多糖酶对肉仔鸡和成年蛋公鸡能量利用的作用效果。

The results showed that the metabolizable energy for maintenanceand erude protein for maintenace of the clucks on the average were 925.82KJ/W0.75/d,10.200.7g/W0.75/d in 1st to 21th day of age and 884.52KJ/W0.75d.8.23g/W0.75/d in 22th to 49th day of age,respectively.

结果表明,樱桃谷肉鸭的平均维持代谢能和维持粗蛋白的需要量是:1~21日龄MEm=925.8 KJ/W~(0.75)/d,CPm=10.2g/W~(0.75)/d:21~49日龄MEm=884.5 KJ/W~(0.75)/d,CPm=8.2g/W~(0.75)/d。

Imbalanced protein andprotein supplied in excess of maximal daily retention rate of protein is deaminated and thenet yield of energy can be considered to join the protein-free digestible energy intake togive a flow of metabolizable energy.


Caged laying duck ; Metabolizable energy ; Crude protein ; Laying performance ; Feedegg ratio ; Egg quality


The measurement of MG value of basal diet Three inner Mongolian semifine-wool wethers (1.5 old years, 30kg BW) fitted with ruminal and duodenum and ileum cannule were used to measure the metabolizable glucose value of basal diet in vivo.


The prediction equations of nutritional requirements about digestible energy, metabolizable energy, digestible crude protein, and protein deposited for stall-feeding growing crossbred Boer goats were:DE, kJ/d=588.31W0.75 9.25W 879.9 r=0.5712, p=0.013ME, kJ/d=482.42W0.75 7.57AW 721.57 r=0.5713, p=0.013DCP, g/d=(0.03AW 1.27) W0.75 r=0.9869, p=0.0131 PD, g/d=(0.03W 0.03) W0.75 r=0.9993, p=0.0007 When the average daily gain stage is from 0 to 200g/d,for the stall-feeding growing crossbred Boer goats, aged at 3~6 months, Metabolic rate of gross energy of the diets is 0.55; digestibi I ity of crude protein is 0.56; The protein requirement of per live weight gain for meat goats is 0.31 g PD/g gain .

舍饲波杂肉羊生长期消化能、代谢能、可消化粗蛋白质、沉积蛋白质需要量的估测模型分别为: DE,kJ/d=588.31W~(0.75) 9.25△W 879.9 r=0.5712,p=0.013 ME,kJ/d=482.42W~(0.75) 7.57△W 721.57 r=0.5713,p=0.013 DCP,g/d=(0.03△W 1.27)W~(0.75) r=0.9869,p=0.0131 PD,g/d=(0.03△W 0.03)W~(0.75) r=0.9993,p=0.0007 3~6月龄舍饲生长期波杂肉羊增重范围为0~200g/d时,日粮总能代谢率平均为0.55,粗蛋白质的消化率平均为0.56;每增重1g体沉积蛋白质需要量为0.31g。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
