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objective to explore environment risk factors of metabolic syndrome.methods a cross-sectional population survey with questionnaires investigation,checkup and laboratory measurement for metabolic syndrome was performed among 2026 teachers,and the logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors of ms.results the education,milk intakes,fish and aquatic products intakes,body exercise and drinking tea were different significantly between male and female individuals.univariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that education,body exercises,fish and aquatic products intakes and drinking tea were benefited to the ms,but the age,sucrose intakes were the risk factors to the ms.the multivariate logistic stepwise regression analysis showed that compared with individuals with no drinking milk,or no fish and aquatic product intake,or no drinking tea,or no sucrose intakes,the milk intakes 250-1500 g/week(or=0.731,95%ci:0.542-0.987),the fish and aquatic product intake with 250-1000 g/week(or=0.720,95%ci: 0.541-0.959),or sucrose intakes 250 g/month(or=0.446,95%ci:0.255-0.779),drinking tea forepassed(or=0.635,95%ci:0.458-0.883),and current (or=2.084,95%ci:1.390-3.125) had different levels of risk on ms.conclusion the age and sucrose intakes are risk factors,and the milk intakes,aquatic products and drinking tea benefits for ms.

目的 了解中小学教师代谢综合征发病及其影响因素。方法采用横断面调查方法,随机抽取芜湖市中小学教师2 026名,进行问卷调查、体格检查和实验室检测,并运用logistic回归分析代谢综合征影响因素。结果不同性别的中小学教师在受教育程度、牛奶摄入、水产品摄入和饮茶习惯等方面的差异有统计学意义;其中受教育程度、体育锻炼、水产品摄入和饮茶是保护因素,而年龄、工作紧张程度、糖的摄入可能是代谢综合征的危险因素。logistic逐步回归分析结果提示,牛奶摄入、水产品摄入和饮茶是代谢综合征的保护因素,而年龄和糖摄入是代谢综合征的危险因素,其中牛奶摄入在250~1500 g/周(or=0.731,95% ci=0.542~0.987),水产品摄入在250~1000 g/周(or=0.720,95% ci=0.541~0.959)以及以前饮茶(or=0.446,95% ci=0.255~0.779和现在正在饮茶(or=0.635,95% ci=0.458~0.883),对代谢综合征的保护作用明显,而糖摄入250 g/月时代谢综合征的患病的危险是不食用食糖的2倍(or=2.084,95% ci=1.390~3.125)。结论年龄和糖摄入是代谢综合征患病的危险因素,而牛奶、水产品和饮茶是代谢综合征的保护因素。

In the second week,patients in respiratory alkalosis combined metabolic acidosis or respiratory alkalosis mixed acid-base disturbance,should be careful of the sharp type occur and treat it in time.When metabolic alkalosis occur or remove the block of the respiraˉtory,respiratory alkalosis disappear,indicate the disease recover.When some medicine involve acid balance is used must pay attention to the acid-base disorders,adjust it in time,when respirator is used in the treatment,be careful of the adˉjustment to the respiratory alkalosis and must control the pressure level rational.


Owing to human versus territorial exploitation utilize activity whereas create soil mantled change, be reputed to be global environment metabolic first cause, wherefore versus land use metabolic research, become for the moment allied nations scholar investigative leading edge and hotspot.


Results Oxygen metabolism abnormality was found after trauma, and it was correlated with ISS, RTS, injured organ or region and number of injured organs, shock, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and respiratory complications. It was more intense in the patients with MODS. There was marked difference in the ratio of change in oxygen metabolism between MODS and NMODS groups. Oxygen deficiency metabolic variables tended to deteriorate in the nonsurvival group. More marked changes in metabolic variables indicated severer organ dysfunction, reaching their peak values before death.

结果 氧代谢水平在创伤后即发生异常,与创伤严重度评分、RTS、损伤器官部位与数量、低血容量性休克、全身炎症反应综合征以及是否并发呼吸系统合并症等有关;并发MODS患者氧代谢水平变化更为明显,与轻伤对照组和NMODS组比较相关氧代谢比值改变差异均有显著性;死亡组乏氧代谢指标常呈持续恶化趋势,其代谢水平改变越显著,预示器官功能损害程度越严重,往往于死亡前达到峰值。

Previous studies have found the major metabolic way of clivorine in male rat liver microsomes was to form pyrrolic metabolites. The above results suggested that there is sexual difference of metabolism in rats. The major in vitro metabolic way of clivorine in guinea pig was hydrolysis.


Firstly, based on phenomenal characteristic parameter collection and its further correlation analysis, the metabolic flux shift during late phase of guanosine fermentation was preliminarily deduced and confirmed by combining intermediates detection and the product biosynthesis pathway analysis. That is, the metabolic flux shifted from Hexose Monophosphate Pathway , from which guanosine was generated mainly, to Embden-Meyerhof Pathway and Tricarboxylic acid cycle to form amino acids and organic acids.


It is not known, howeer, whether concomitant use of losartan with a thiazide diuretic neutralizes the aderse metabolic effects of the TD in people with impaired fasting glucose and metabolic syndrome.


The studies on metabolic enzymes、synergists and neurobioassays suggest that the monooxygenases、esterase and decreased nerve sensitity are involved in resistance to pyrethroids in the resistant HJ-R strain . The resistance to both organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides is mainly caused by metabolic mechanisms. The significantly synergistic effects of Pbo infer that the resistance to carbamata may be principally attributable to monooxygenases detoxification.


Because cytochrome P450 2E1 is involved in the metabolic oxidation of carcinogenic nitroso compounds, including N -nitrosoamines, interindividual differences in the metabolic capacity of CYP2El are assumed to be associated with cancer susceptibility.


The first hypothesis, from the perspective of bioenergetics and metabolic energy, we firmly believe that microbial cells are convertor of metabolic energy; the second hypothesis, from the perspective of biochemistry and metabolism, we firmly believe that microbial cells are biological and chemical reactors and biological materials processor; the third hypothesis, from the perspective of bioinformatics, we firmly believe that microbial cells are bio-informatics encoder, information sensor and information processor.


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Dreams (Of Foreign Metabolic Circumstance)

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
