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与 messages 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The FARC messages indicate two things: firstly, are the pressures back on president ***to make concessions, even though it ruled out granting any safe heaven to the guerillas; the second is, for the reports of Ms betenkourt's deteriorating health might not be accurate as if she was on the point of death as some rumors have suggested, the guerillas might be less in transigent .

FARC 的信息指明了两件事情,第一,缓解局势的压力又回到了**总统这方,迫使其做出一些让步,尽管总统已经排除了为游击队组织建立任何安全区的可能。第二,关于****女士健康状况日趋恶化的报导未必准确,因为就像一些传言所暗示的,她处于生死一线的边缘, FARC 游击队可能不会这么容易妥协。

By introducing the time derivation of the intensity difference between the receiver and the transmittal, the messages can be decoded successfully.


When you try to access blocked contents or websites, or when try to download files with unallowed extension, users will be denied access with warning pop-up messages.


This category includes messages that are produced by the UTF and provide detailed information on the C++ exceptions uncaught by the test case body.

这个范围包括由 UTF 产生,用於提供测试用例体未捕获 C++异常的详细情况的信息。

Digital watermarking, which can overcome some uncontrollability issues for decrypting encrypted messages, has become a new information security area under this circumstance.Currently, Watermarking researches are mostly focused on image and video instead of text.


Undervoltage detection is implemented to disable transmission if VS is falling to a value below 5 V to avoid false bus messages.

欠压检测是实施禁用传输如果VS是跌破5 V至一个值,以避免虚假巴士消息。

During times of greatest confusion and unknowingness, I simply state," I intend to ascend" This simple intention assists in calling to my life those messages and mirrors that are needed to perceive that which needs to be released or transcended in order to continue my personal evolution.


Unknownst to many readers, The Lord of the Rings - once thought to be merely a story of archetypal struggle between good and evil - has been found to contain astute prophetic messages about the impending crisis of capitalist modernity.


Uncover the curse of Pirateville by locating hidden objects, finding the differences, unscrambling secret messages and more!


It has a convenient system of black and green rules to sort most messages automatically and put your attention only to unsorted ones.


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Mixed Messages
Text Messages
Messages From You
Secret Messages
Subliminal Messages
Conceited Messages (Skit)
Messages (Skit)

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。