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与 messages 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Khun Htun Oo, Chairman of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, the party that won the most seats in 1990, who is serving 95 year long imprisonment in Kachin State and the paramount leader of the Shan State Army 'North' Maj-Gen Hso Ten, who is also serving a 106 years imprisonment in Khamti meanwhile had sent messages to the SSA 'North' that it need not concern itself with their imprisoned leaders.

Khun Htun Oo,掸邦民族民主联盟主席,(该组织1990年曾赢得多数席位),正在Kachin邦服刑,刑期长达95年;北掸邦军最高领导人Hso Ten少校,服刑于Khamti监狱,刑期长达106年;他们两人同时传递消息给北掸邦军,让他们不必顾虑被关押的领导人。

This paper begins with introducing different types of kinesic behavior and paralanguage and their influence on verbal messages.


If this option is set to 0, Kore will only print the most important messages e.g.

如果你在这里设0, kore 只会显示最重要的信息。

Just been chillin with peeps over here during the little free time I get and of course loggin in to this site to see who's stopped by to leave nice comments and messages...the best part is seeing the different mix of peeps who show so much love for the music and performances...every encouraging message/comment makes me wanna work that much harder for whatever's comin out next.


I received messages from others to express their depression for lui's leaving which made my eyes fog.


Besides including all of the great features of Gmail, Mailplane adds extras such as built-in drag-and-drop attachments, quick import from iPhoto and iTunes, Growl notifications when you get new messages and much more.

是一个独立的Gmail客户端OS X中,除了包括所有的强大功能的Gmail,Mailplane增加了演员,如内置的拖放拖放附件,快速导入iPhoto和iTunes时,咆哮的通知当你新邮件等等。

Besides including all of the great features of Gmail, Mailplane adds extras such as built-in drag-and-drop attachments, quick import from iPhoto and iTunes, Growl notifications when you get new messages and much more.

是一个独立的Gmail客户端OS X中除了包括所有的强大功能的Gmail , mailplane增加附加服务,例如内建在拖放附件,快速,进口从iPhoto和iTunes , growl通知,当你得到新的信息甚至还有更多。

Besides including all of the great features of Gmail, Mailplane adds extras such as built-in drag-and-drop attachments, quick import from iPhoto and iTunes, Growl notifications when you get new messages and much more.

是一个独立的Gmail客户端OS X中除了包括所有的强大功能的Gmail , Mailplane增加附加服务,例如内置的拖放附件,快捷iPhoto中进口和iTunes ,咆哮通知,当你收到新邮件等等。

Besides including all of the great features of Gmail, Mailplane adds extras such as built-in drag-and-drop attachments, quick import from iPhoto and iTunes, Growl notifications when you get new messages and much more.

是一个独立此外,包括Gmail的强大功能都为OS X的Gmail客户端,Mailplane增加了诸如在拖放拖放附件,从iPhoto和iTunes快速建立额外进口,咆哮的通知当你新邮件等等。

In Chapter Ⅲ and Ⅳ, the author examines almanacs, divine slips, juju, wishful messages and so forth, which played important roles in rural socio-cultural networks. This inquiry aims to show how the social memory of fengshui knowledge and ideas became possible, that is, how fengshui knowledge and ideas turned into popular belief and entered peasant life world by way of some correlative religious or mediumistic rituals.


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Mixed Messages
Text Messages
Messages From You
Secret Messages
Subliminal Messages
Conceited Messages (Skit)
Messages (Skit)

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。