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与 messages 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper proposes a belief multisets formalism for analyzing cryptographic protocols, and the formalism is foundationally different from the previous: a participant's beliefs should depend only on the sent or received fresh messages and the beliefs already possessed by this party.


Originally, the SARS crisis that has impacts upon the multi-facet areas such as society, economy, politics and culture geminated from one simple Mobile Short Message which can dated back to Feb, 8th 2003:"Deadly Flu Outbreak in Guangzhou". Promulgated southward at an increased rate of 1 to 5 million messages per day and underpinned by the intervention of Internet and the marginalized inter-personal communication web, the rumors of SARS witnessed the belated evolvement of traditional media which contribute nothing to the ado but noise.


I think the film's "messages" seem a bit heavyhanded because, although often quoted quite closely from the books, the statements about life and death, the balance, etc., don't follow from character and action as they do in the books.


I think the film's "messages" seem a bit heavyhanded because, although often quoted quite closely from the books, the statements about life and death, the balance, etc., don't follow from character and action as they do in the books.


In this ever-increasingly high tech environment, with emails, texts, instant-messages, Twitters (still not sure exactly what that is) and people punching on and hypnotically gazing at their cell phones every five minutes, I suggest that the higher TOUCH approach will have even greater impact.


It was NOKIA 3100,with hand-writing feature ,and that was a super reason for my cause i didn't know how to use pingyi to inport messages.

它是NOKIA 3100,有手写功能的,对于当时连拼音都不会打的人来说,这简直就是雪中送炭。

Dye can bring a little color to life, most clothing is color with dyes, modern manufacture dyes can be costly, natural dyes from plan t and animal products have been used since ancient times, so this week, we describe by natural way to dye world, the advice comes from information written by Jenny Tim of the intermedial technology development group in Briton, this anti group is now called practical action, there are several messages to put dye onto material, the vent message for example, can be used to dye wool with onion skins, for this example, use 100 grams of natural wool, the wool must be clean, leave it overnight in water and liquid soap, then wash it with clean water that is a little warm, gently out the water, a solution called a moderant is used in the dying process, a moderant helps fix the dye to the material, traditionally moderants were found in nature, wood ash is one of example, but chemical moderants such as ironare popular today, iron is so would in many stores, it is often mixed with queen of daughter, a finding powder commonly used in cooking.

使用染料可以为生活带来更多的色彩。许多的布料都是通过染料来上色的。现代工业制造的染料通常都非常的贵,从古时起,人们就知道从植物或者动物产品中提取天然染料。这周,我们就来讨论一下如何用天然的方法来给羊毛着色。这一建议来自英国中级技术发展组的Jenny Dean的信息。这一古老贫穷的小组现在被称为实用性活动。把染料加到材料上有几种方法。其中之一是大桶法。举例来说,就是用洋葱皮来染羊毛。这一例子中,用100g的天然羊毛。羊毛必须清洗。用液体肥皂浸泡过夜。然后用温的干净的水冲洗它。轻柔地把多余的水分压挤出来。一种叫做媒染的溶剂也用于染洗过程。媒染是用来固定染料和材料的。传统的方法是,媒染是来天然的,比如木灰。但是像明矾这样的化学媒染在今天也是很流行的。明矾在许多商场都有出售。它通常和一种经常被用于烹调的粉状物-酒石混在一起。我们用多一点点的辛苦,来交换多一点点的幸福

Interregional Communication refers to the exchange of messages between members of the dominant culture within a country.


Patients undergoing renal transplantation develop different complications and morphological alterations in peripheral blood WBC. WBC flag messages given on Q-Flag (XE-2100) are of great help to screen early and diagnose infection, intoxation and acute rejection.

肾移植后出现不同并发症的患者,其外周血白细胞形态改变各有特点,借助Sysmex XE-2100血液分析仪上特有的Q-Flag报警系统提供的信息,有助于移植后炎症感染、药物中毒及排斥反应的早期筛选、辅助诊断和鉴别诊断。

One of the first messages waiting for me on return was from Kevan Hall, management expert and author of Speed Lead .

回来后等着我阅读的第一批邮件中,有一封来自管理专家、《 Speed Lead 》作者凯万·霍尔。

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Mixed Messages
Text Messages
Messages From You
Secret Messages
Subliminal Messages
Conceited Messages (Skit)
Messages (Skit)

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。