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与 messages 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The attack's nuisance value is increased because mobile phone networks also send notifications of new voicemail by SMS, so an attacked phone may stop advising of new voice messages too, it warned.


The simplicity of the attack -- it can be launched from almost any Nokia phone with the option to send an SMS text message as Internet Electronic Mail, including older non-smartphone models -- makes it likely that people will try it just to see what happens, F-Secure said. The attack's nuisance value is increased because mobile phone networks also send notifications of new voicemail by SMS, so an attacked phone may stop advising of new voice messages too, it warned.


We need to make sure we keep those messages so we can't just nuke it and move on.


If you don't have a window or you don't want to process the timer messages in the window procedure, you must pass NULL to the function in place of a window handle.


Many twin flames have experienced this phenomena of 11's in birthdates, numerology, dates of meeting and such, and constantly receive the same 11:11 messages.


Set aside what your friends expect, what your parents demand,what your acquaintances require. Set aside the messages its culture sends about howyou should behave. Set aside the old traditional notion of female as nurturer and maleas leader; set aside, too, the new traditional notions of female as superwoman andmale as oppressor.


It is illegal to communicate with a woman using obscene messages.


"This time, the Emperor Hanyuan months odalisque decided to challenge him, and he asked people to pass on messages to the title :"Who is willing to go to the king.


OEA sends hunger-curbing messages to the brain to increase feelings of fullness.


Then they spam Email inboxes with official-looking messages explaining that your account with Company X has encountered a problem and that they need you to login and confirm some details .


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Mixed Messages
Text Messages
Messages From You
Secret Messages
Subliminal Messages
Conceited Messages (Skit)
Messages (Skit)

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
