英语人>网络例句>messages 相关的网络例句

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与 messages 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A task's svc hook method can use ACE_Task::getq to dequeue messages placed onto the message queue and process them concurrently. The getq method blocks until either a message is available on the message queue or the specified absolute timeout elapses. The blocking nature of getq allows the thread of a task to block and only wake up when there's work available on the message queue.


A tasks svc hook method can use ACE_Task::getq to dequeue messages placed onto the message queue and process them concurrently. The getq method blocks until either a message is available on the message queue or the specified absolute timeout elapses. The blocking nature of getq allows the thread of a task to block and only wake up when theres work available on the message queue.


Like the Gila monster, which attacks with venom, inflicting festering but fatal wounds? Or merciless assassin snakes with switchblade fangs as sharp as hypodermic needles and enough poison to kill ten people. And they are smart-alligators that send coded messages, iguanas that run on water and the green turtle that uses magnetic crystals in its brain to navigate across the ocean. A Diamondback rattlesnake can inject a tracer to track its dying prey and baby snakes fish for trout with their tongues!


In digital mode a cassette file consists of several recorded messages and each click on Record button creates a new message, while in analog mode a cassette file represents one continual rewritable message.


In so doing, it may employ all appropriate means, including diplomatic couriers, diplomatic bag, and messages in code or cipher.


It may employ all appropriate means, including diplomatic couriers or consular couriers, diplomatic bag or consular bag, and messages in code or cipher in its communications.


Article 8 The mission may for official purposes communicate freely with the Government and the other missions and consulates of the sending State In so doing, it may employ all appropriate means, including diplomatic couriers, diplomatic bag, and messages in code or cipher

第八条 使馆为公务目的可以与派遣国政府以及派遣国其他使馆和领事馆自由通讯。通讯可以采用一切适当方法,包括外交信使、外交邮袋和明码、密码电信在内第九条使馆设置和使用供通讯用的无线电收发信机,必须经中国政府同意。使馆运进上述设备,按中国政府的有关规定办理

The personal messages of the Set 26 can be metaphorical and very direct at the same time.


RPR uses MAC messages to direct the traffic, which traverses both directions around the ringlet.


Meanwhile,a converse-searching algorithm based on directed graph is also presented to construct the protocol messages.


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Mixed Messages
Text Messages
Messages From You
Secret Messages
Subliminal Messages
Conceited Messages (Skit)
Messages (Skit)

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
