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Among these the Encyclical "Aeterni Patris" mentions Paris, Salamanca, Alcalá Douai, Toulouse, Louvain, Padua, Bologna, Naples, and Coimbra as "the homes of human wisdom where Thomas reigned supreme, and the minds of all, teachers as well as taught, rested in wonderful harmony under the shield and authority of the Angelic Doctor".

其中的通谕& Aeterni祖国报&提到巴黎,萨拉曼卡,阿尔卡拉杜埃,图卢兹,鲁汶,帕多瓦,博洛尼亚,那不勒斯,和科英布拉的&家园人类智慧的最高统治地位,托马斯和思想的一切,教师以及教,休息的美妙和谐的盾牌和权威的天使博士&。

Chrétien de Troyes mentions her in his first romance Erec and Enide , completed around 1170; he says one guest at the titular characters' wedding, a certain Guigomar, lord of the Isle of Avalon, is a friend of Morgan.

Chretien de Troyes在他的第一部传奇中提到了她,该书完成于1170年左右;在书中他写道一个参加某个角色婚礼的客人,确实是Guigomar,Avalon岛的国王,是Morgan的朋友。

Chrétien de Troyes mentions her in his first romance Erec and Enide ,completed around 1170; he says one guest at the titular characters'wedding, a certain Guigomar, lord of the Isle of Avalon, is a friend ofMorgan.

Chretien deTroyes在他的第一部传奇中提到了她,该书完成于1170年左右;在书中他写道一个参加某个角色婚礼的客人,确实是Guigomar,Avalon岛的国王,是Morgan的朋友。

St. Luke mentions (Acts 18:2) that when St. Paul was at Corinth the Jews had been recently expelled from Rome by Claudius, and this is confirmed by a chance statement of Suetonius.


In her book, however, Dinesen describes Denys in glowing terms, but never explicitly mentions this fact.


The movie mentions Bethmoora, a city in the fiction of the early 20th century visionary writer Lord Dunsany.


Marlow mentions that he has seen Jim recently, working as a water-clerk (see Chapter 1) in the port of Samarang.


The second part has introduced two propositions that Gardiner mentions in his paper.


In his letter to St. Victor, written about 189-98, bishop Polycrates of Ephesus mentions among the "great lights", whom the Lord will seek on the "last day","Philip, one of the Twelve Apostles, who is buried in Hieropolis with his two daughters, who grew old as virgins", and a third daughter, who led a life in the Holy Ghost and rests in Ephesus.

&他在信中,以圣维克托,写189-98 ,主教主波利克拉特斯的以弗所当中提到的&大光明&,其中主会寻求对&最后一天&,&弘,其中的十二个门徒,他们是被埋在hieropolis与他的两个女儿,长大老新妇&,而第三个女儿,他领导的&生活在圣灵和休息,在以弗所。

Gregory of Tours (De gloria mart., I, iv) mentions it first.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
