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与 meeting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have a meeting.- Why, is that a prayer meeting?


In order to catch up with the step of internationalization, to continually publicize the ARF-pioneered sustainable building formula GB + Symbiosis = SB and symbiotic concept, and to share with the world the achievements of sustainable building promotion in Taiwan, we formed a delegation of 27 members with TSSBE that were founded by the ARF to participate in the triennial World Sustainable Building Conference held at Melbourne (SB08Melbourne) after participating in the SB meeting in 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2005 and the iiSBE Prague Meeting in 2006. Members of the delegation led by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, also the president of TSSBE, include ex-CPAMI Director Lin Chin-rong, ABRI Director Ho Ming-chin, Chiu Chiung-yu PhD, Archilife Environ-Control Research Center Supervisor Prof. Chiang Che-ming, Archilife Living Research Center Supervisor Prof. Su Ching-hua, and Assistant Cheng Wei-ning; research project principal investigators Mr. Li Yen-yi; Mr. Chou Po-cheng; Miss Tang Shu-chen; Mr. Wang Wen-an; Mr. Chen Tai-an; Mr. Lin Fang-ming; Mr. Chung Sung-chin; Mr. Lin De-en; Mr. Luo Yang-ching; Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin; Mr. Chen Nien-tsu; and members of TSSBE and participants of SB07 Taipei, including Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan, Miss Chang Kuei-feng, Mr. Chung Po-ren, Mr. Hsiao Ruey-lin, Mr. Cheng cheng-li, Mr. Liu Kuang-sheng, Miss Kuo Yi-chun, and Miss Chen Chiu-yu, the assistant.

为贯彻祐生国际化的脚步、持续宣导首创之永续建筑公式GB+Symbiosis=SB与共生化理念,并向全世界分享台湾推动永续建筑之成果,继组团参与1998、2000、2002、2005之永续建筑系列国际性会议及2006年iiSBE布拉格会议后,2008年由本会参与设立的社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会及祐生组团共27人前往澳洲墨尔本参加三年一度的永续建筑国际会议SB08Melbourne,并由身兼社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会理事长的黄晋英秘书长担任团长,团员包括:前内政部营建署林钦荣署长、内政部建研所何明锦所长与邱琼玉博士、祐生环控研究中心指导教授江哲铭教授、祐生生活研究中心指导教授苏庆华教授、助理郑玮宁小姐、奖助研究案主持人李彦颐先生、周伯丞先生、汤淑贞小姐、王文安先生、陈泰安先生、林芳铭先生、钟松晋先生、戴永禔先生、林得恩先生、罗阳青先生、钟政勋先生、陈念祖先生及社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会号召之会员与曾参与SB07 Taipei国际会议之人士,如李创源先生、张桂凤小姐、钟博任先生、萧睿麟先生、郑政利先生、刘光盛先生、郭怡君小姐及团长助理陈秋玉小姐等。

The intellectual property rights designing that perfects an exhibition being able to perfect legal institutions from industry autonomy, and set up an exhibition designing that the angle preserving right alliance starts off; Our country meeting exhibition protection of the intellectual property rights then not bad secondary perfect laws and statutes, rise administration mental consciousness, sharpening sense of responsibility, bring into play industrial association effect and perfect sincere message mechanism aspect, be meeting exhibition industry construction one fine, rigorous, standard marketplace environment.


Today, our department had an annual general meeting, we invited few VIP of our company to attend the meeting.


The annual meeting of the shareholders general meeting shall be convened once each year.


An alternate Director shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases for any reason to be a Director, however, such alternate Director or any other person may be reappointed by the Directors to serve as an alternate Director PROVIDED always that, if at any meeting any Director retires but is reelected at the same meeting, any appointment of such alternate Director pursuant to these Articles which was in force immediately before his retirement shall remain in force as though he had not retired.


Whether it is a Council meeting, Planning and Zoning meeting, or Traffic/Evidentiary Court of Record or Arraignment, your best source is Audio Visual Technologies Group.


There are one large banquet hall and three small meeting halls to accommodate small to medium meetings for 50-300 people. The multi-functional conference hall is equipped with the multi-media computer projector, video and audio facilities suitable for the board meeting and seminar with limited attendees supported by perfect conference service.


With the support of the project, the study completed the classification to passerine birds in Yunnan, summarized their habitat environment, geographical distribution; and analyzed the characters and evolution tendency of avifauna in Yunnan, geographical division of birds in Yunnan. The project was successfully completed. As production of the study, the book of "The avifauna of Yunnan China, Vol.2: passeriformes", three articles in periodical journal, two articles in national meeting proceeding and three articles in international meeting proceeding were published.


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第4/100页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
(Meeting With My) Main Man
Night Meeting
Meeting Of The Minds
Meeting Across The River
The Bitter Suite I & II: Meeting Ms. Leading/Through The Dime
Strange Meeting II
Chance Meeting At The Trantula
Meeting Place
Love Meeting Love
Meeting In The Town

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
