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mean difference相关的网络例句

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与 mean difference 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, we discuss several theories of risk measures respectively such as theories ofcoherent measures of risk, spectral measures of risk and distortion measures of risk.Within the framework of these theories, we discuss and compare standard deviation,mean absolute deviation, lower partial moment, Ginis difference, VaR, CVaR and soon. We conclude that CVaR is superior to other measures with respect to theoreticalproperties.


And an advance booking can mean the difference between continuing to a new city and waiting several days for another flight .


The main results are as follows:The difference of albedo over the rice paddy and the dry land is not large with mean value 0.16-0.17 during observed period.


From the results of the mean values of four times monitoring, almost no statistically significant difference of ion concentrations were found among different thinning treatments.


Here you can see the difference between the stock alternator and the Mean Green alternator.


The difference between the degrees of anteversion angle at the two sides was considered the rotational deformity of the femur shaft after the nailing.RESULTS:① The real AV angle and NH angle was nearly the same (ranged 0°-5°, mean 2°) displayed by the image intersifier.


Male patient was prevalent in aphasic groups, but mean age of both gender groups was no difference. The possible explanations may be adduced for our findings; one is related to the cerebrovascular changes of aging- The decrease of cerebral circulation is prominant and disseminated in increasing age. There may be changes in the cerebral blood flow associated with aging, predisposing different brain areas to stroke. The second is possible that changes in cognition, deterioration of memroy and comprehension disturbance may predispose the perception dysfunction of language or advanced language dysfunction like global aphasia in aging group.


In order to achieve the aim of this study, a survey was conducted via a self-designed questionnaire of 403 novice teachers who had no more than three years of teaching experience in 28 junior high schools in Hsinchu County. Adopting SPSS to analyze the data thus collected, this study performed such statistical analyses as arithmetic mean, standard difference, t-test, One-Way Analysis of Variance, Pearson's correlation etc to verify hypotheses.


I have been in all my Circumstances a Memento to those who are touch'd with the general Plague of Mankind, whence, for ought I know, one half of their Miseries flow; I mean, that of not being satisfy'd with the Station wherein God and Nature has plac'd them; for not to look back upon my primitive Condition, and the excellent Advice of my Father, the Opposition to which, was, as I may call it, my ORIGINAL SIN; my subsequent Mistakes of the same kind had been the Means of my coming into this miserable Condition; for had that Providence, which so happily had seated me at the Brasils, as a Planter, bless'd me with confin'd Desires, and I could have been contented to have gone on gradually, I might have been by this Time; I mean, in the Time of my being in this Island, one of the most considerable Planters in the Brasils, nay, I am perswaded, that by the Improvements I had made, in that little Time I liv'd there, and the Encrease I should probably have made, if I had stay'd, I might have been worth an hundred thousand Moydors; and what Business had I to leave a settled Fortune, a well stock'd Plantation, improving and encreasing, to turn Supra-Cargo to Guinea, to fetch Negroes; when Patience and Time would have so encreas'd our Stock at Home, that we could have bought them at our own Door, from those whose Business it was to fetch them; and though it had cost us something more, yet the Difference of that Price was by no Means worth saving, at so great a Hazard.


Through difference significance tests and analyses, it finds that (1) man students more possibly form identity achievement, and woman students more possibly form identity foreclosure and identity diffusion; and (2) the difference of self-identity status between man and woman students is associated with various domains; and (3) self-identity status between man and woman students have some similarities that identity exploration has the same importance to both; and (4) grade-one is a period when students face up to more identity crises, and grade-two is key period of identity formation, and grade-three is a developmental period of identity that provides the basis for re-solution of the emergence of new identity crises in grade-four;(5) there is a gradually enhanced direction from lower self-identity statuses to advanced ones from grade-one to grade-three, but there is also a direction that reentry into the identity crisis by grade-four. It indicates that the identity achievement formation does not mean the end of development of self-identity and proves that there is a continuous MAMA cycle in self-identity development; and (6) that students self-identity status mainly is identity moratorium provides some evidence for which there is a Moratorium in student development, and which self-identity formation is not easy; and (7) the development of student self-identity is associated with various domains, what students pay most attention to firstly is vocation, secondly life philosophy, and lower interesting in political and religious domains in ideology; for relational domains, students pay more attention to dating and friendship compared to sex role and recreation domain.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
