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与 mathematical 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the light of the complex, high-level and non-linear feature of the mathematical model which describe the transport of the coalbed methane, this paper study the fully-implicit solving method of the mathematical model in detail. Based on the complexity of the algebraic equations which are formed eventually, according to the alternating direction implicit difference pattern, this paper use the iterative method and the fully main element Gauss-Jordan eliminating method to solve equations, which is to use the iterative method to determine coefficient matrix and use the fully main element Gauss-Jordan method to solve th linear algebraic equation group, at the same time of studying the solving method of the mathematical model, according to the devising requirement of FORTRAN77 program structure, this paper draw up computer program and form the corresponding computer model, and verify the validity and reliability of the model in theory by operating the model.


The results from confirmatory factor analysis indicated:(1) The structural model of children's early mathematical ability was reasonable and it had good structural validity. In detail, children's early mathematical ability was explained by number, arithmetic, measurement, space/geometry and pattern;(2) The structure of children b early mathematical ability was stable across different ages but the structural model was not consistent completely;(3) Boys' structural model was identical with that of girls'.


Mathematics: Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry; Use the Pythagorean theorem and its converse and properties of special right triangles to solve mathematical and real-world problems; Understands the basic concepts of right triangle trigonometry (e.g., basic trigonometric ratios such as sine, cosine, and tangent); Uses trigonometric ratio methods to solve mathematical and real-world problems (e.g., determination of the angle of depression between two markers on a contour map with different elevations); Uses properties of and relationships among figures to solve mathematical and real-world problems e.g., uses the property that the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is equal to 360 degrees to square up the frame for a building; uses understanding of arc, chord, tangents, and properties of circles to determine the radius given a circular edge of a circle without the center


Due to its good effect in the reservation of information of signal abrupt change, mathematical morphology is often applied in the detection and location of short-term power quality disturbance, however, there is still a defect of invalid detection existing in partial detection methods based on mathematical morphology while some zero-crossing disturbances are detected. In this paper three mathematical morphology based disturbance detection and location methods, i.e., the method based on first-order derivation and morphological gradient, the method based on morphological gradient and soft threshold processing and the method based on dq decomposition and top-hat transform, are analyzed, that is, by means of simulation the adaptability of these methods in the analysis on the signals of voltage sag, voltage swell and electromagnetic transient oscillation is compared.


IGMs are a kind of experimentally new-identified optical mode, standing with apparent potential in design and application. However, the mathematical expression of IGMs under Elliptic Cylindrical coordinates, preventing us from understanding IGMs instinctively, stands a formidable challenge in application. The pure mathematical expressions of IGMs are composed by a great deal of calculation, which also bids us no help in common use. I am, therefore, prompted to build an easier mathematical approach in this study.

Ince- Gaussian modes为在实验中可见的一种崭新型态的光学模态,对於我们在应用和设计上的实现,拥有许多潜力;然而,由於IGMs是在椭圆圆柱座标系下的数学来表示,造成了我们无法直觉的去了解,也成了我们在使用上的一大考验; IGMs的不易亲近,也让我们无从进一步去了解其物理特性,若纯粹以数学出发,又包含了庞大的运算,无法达到普遍的运用,是故我希望能在这篇论文使用简单的数学描述来达成对IGMs较平易近人的理解。

According to the problems that are encountered in designing the mathematical knowledge representation language in NKI (national knowledge infrastructure) and after the discussion of ontological assumptions for mathematical objects, two kinds of formalisms for the representation of mathematical knowledge are provided. One is a description logic in which the range of an attribute can be a formula in some logical language; and another is a first order logic in which an ontology represented by the description logic is a part of the logical language.

根据在设计NKI(national knowledge infrastructure)的数学知识表示语言中遇到的问题,并在讨论了数学对象的本体论假设的基础上提出了两种数学知识的表示方法:一种是以一个逻辑语言上的公式为属性值域的描述逻辑;另一种是以描述逻辑描述的本体为逻辑语言的一部分的一阶逻辑。

The basic spirit of Pythagoreanism is the pursuit of the mathematical harmoniousness of the universe, and it can guide scientists to characterize the internal mystery of the physical world in terms of mathematical language and mathematical formula successfully and it fit to the current computationalism.


During the study, in order to decrease the complexity, the article simplifies the geomorphic process, defines the ideal state, and, according to the geomorphic principle, reasons out some of the 4-Dimensional Geomorphic Mathematical Sub-Models that include the 4-Dimensional Tectonic Geomorphic Mathematical Model, the 4-Dimensional Depositional Geomorphic Mathematical Model, and the 4-Dimensional Denudate Geomorphic Mathematical Model.


The major findings were as follows:(1) There were significant interactions between Feedback and Goal-setting in both students' mathematical performance and test anxiety;(2) No significant differences were found in mathematical performance and test anxiety between the student self-set goal condition and the teacher-assigned goal condition when feedback was presented;(3) There were significant differences in students' mathematical performace between correct-predicting students' and incorrect-predicting students, but no difference was found in students' test anxiety between the two groups of students;(4) High-estimating students and low estimating students showed significant differences in mathematical performance, but no difference in test anxiety.


Going at the teaching of mathematical thought and method during high school is an important means by which the school in the 21th century cultivate the person with innovative spirit and practical bility.Moreover going in for the teaching study of the mathematical thought and method in high school can make ours absorb well the international and national mathematical thought and methodology knowledge,and improve the cognition to the importance of the teaching about mathematical thought and method,so that they are able to practise consciously and selfconsciously the teaching .


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My Mathematical Mind

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
