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与 materialization 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During sessions involving others seeking help, Seth discusses: the reasons why some children die young; severe illness and mental attitudes; the effect of positive thoughts; Karma; comas;"time" as it relates to reincarnation, i.e., if all time exists at once how can reincarnational lives be before or after one another; the use of mental exercises to dissolve images projected; how many physical existences we live; and that In the materialization of personality through various reincarnations, only the ego and the layers of personal subconscious adopt new characteristics.


Owing to the overindulging to the materialism lust in modern society , t he humanity is being t ransformed into materialization.


Ask: Is the model of reformulating the ground a result of the geometrical operations linked to the paper folding and Origami techniques, or is it a problem of materialization of the space through a system of phenomenological perception?

问: 你们觉得在基地上构思建筑的过程是取决于做模型时的叠纸艺术还是物化空间的系列现象学过程?

G. Produce monthly materialization report on allotments for review of Marketing and Sales for follow up and reduction requirements.


Based on the PHOSFLOW model, China's P societal metabolism is characterized by high intensive input of resource and imported chemical fertilizers, low efficiencies of material productivities and nutrient recycling, high ratio of water pollutant loads and wastes accumulation, strongly materialization of critical eco-restructuring indicators, and the most intensive P load to water of livestock production.


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Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
