英语人>网络例句>marginal contribution 相关的网络例句
marginal contribution相关的网络例句

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与 marginal contribution 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper discussed a kind of transferable utility game with restricted coalition and gave a solution of this game- marginal contribution value for games with restricted coalition by the means of axiomatization.


Decision rule chain and distance function of decision rule are proposed, by which the order of decision rules are explained. The group scale's effect on decision quality and the marginal contribution of decision-makers are analyzed. It's pointed out that the increase of the scale will enhance the decision quality with the optimal decision rule applied. Otherwise it is likely to weaken the decision quality. It's proved that for homogeneous group with simple majority rule applied the marginal contribution of decision-maker will decrease while the scale increases or the decisional competencies of other decision-makers increase; 3.We study the group decision-making with a leader in it. It's proved that the existence of the leader impairs the decision quality when the group applies the optimal decision rule.

研究了决策者的决策能力不确定情况下的群体决策,给出了最优决策规则,指出其仍然是广义加权多数规则;提出了决策规则链和决策规则距离函数的概念,利用这些概念解释了群体决策规则的序现象;分析了群体规模对决策质量的影响、决策者决策能力的边际贡献,指出当群体应用最优规则时,群体规模的增大会提高决策质量,否则群体规模的增大可能会削弱决策质量;证明了对于应用简单多数规则的同质群体,随着其规模的增大,决策者决策能力对决策质量的边际贡献会减小;随着其他决策者决策能力的提高,决策者决策能力对决策质量的边际贡献也会减小; 3。

They each earn the value of their marginal contribution to the production process.


Labor, land, and capital each earn the value of their marginal contribution to the production process.


Gaga's only function in life is to make a marginal contribution to the overall Apple experience.


Because factor demand reflects the value of the marginal product of that factor, in equilibrium each factor is compensated according to its marginal contribution to


Because factor demand reflects the value of the marginal product of that factor, in equilibrium each factor is compensated according to its marginal contribution to the production of goods and services.


Comparing industrialization, the marginal contribution of human capital is far higher than that of industrialization. This predicts that human capital will be the biggest contribution factor to income growth of rural residents in the near future.


If the marginal contribution of different members in an organization is equal to the marginal revenue they receive from the organization, the organization achieves equilibrium.


A dropping contribution of human capital to regional disparity means a mount of rural human capital further loss will worsening of region disparities. And the greatest marginal contribution rate of human capital means that there will be a perpetual existence of disparity if human capital of agriculture and non-agriculture cannot be in equilibrium. In order to solve the problems, the thesis puts forward two proposals.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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